I could not do Satyajit Ray's 'Kanchenjunga' because I had already committed the daters he wanted to shoot on to other producers.

Opulent, civilized, and industrious nations, are greater consumers than poor ones, because they are infinitely greater producers.

For some producers who are technical-minded, making the song sound good is easy, and getting the emotion into the song is harder.

Because of 'The Birds' and 'Marnie' I was, as the expression goes, hot in Hollywood and producers and directors wanted to hire me.

Nowadays, there are sometimes more producers than there are people in the cast, because it takes that much money to put a show on.

I was producing a series about Sir Winston Churchill, about which I was extremely proud, and earning a lot of money as a producer.

I have a lot of friends in Kollywood. I enjoy a very warm relationship with many actors, actresses, directors, and producers here.

I've learned a lot of tricks from working with a lot of great producers over the years, and I think I should write a book about it!

I love working with different artist with different styles and different producers with different sounds, creativity is everything.

I hate the idea of people thinking that I'm just a little girl who goes into studios with pop producers, and they work their magic.

The hard part was when I went into the studio with co-producer Eric Broucek, and he started slashing my demos. I always sweat that.

I worked with different producers from all genres, trying to bridge different styles of music, from urban to electronica to ballads.

When I make my own music, there is no external producer. I just do everything as quickly as possible. I try not to overthink things.

When I was fifteen, I got a Tiffany's necklace from the producers of 'Game of Thrones' with my character's name Sansa engraved on it.

I think I've been asked a lot more than most TV producers to go on-camera. But I just do what I do and don't think about the package.

For every film that I have believed in - from 'Tanu Weds Manu' to 'Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein' - it was very difficult to find producers.

Any new producer starting up is to get investors' confidence. Investors are still very very wary of anything to do with the arts world.

Jerry Bruckheimer really is an executive producer, who obviously is the most successful producer in the history of film and television.

If I want to be a leading man in a film, box office numbers count because producers have invested money. I see no wrong in that process.

I'm one of the best producers, one of the best singers. You hear me? I'm not just one of the best rappers. I'm one of the greatest ever.

Many great composers have died in poverty. I have not faced hardships, like having to struggle for food, thanks to reasonable producers.

I would love to do some straight drama. A lot of times it's not up to the actor, it's up to the producer. It's up to the powers that be.

It just burns my heart that there's such a massive discrepancy in the number of male producers in the industry, versus female producers.

I got to try things that I might've been uncomfortable doing if I had been in a larger setting with a studio and producers looking at me.

As well as being a vulgar producer of her own spectacle, and an embarrassment to her family, Cindy Sheehan is at best a shifty fantasist.

When I listen to scripts, I never ask who my co-star is - instead, I ask about the characters and the producers of the particular venture.

I'm still somebody that listens to a lot of James Brown, a lot of The O'Jays, a lot of TLC... in that era, producers had more musicianship.

Basically, I'm one of the greatest producers ever. And I'm also one of the greatest DJs ever. And I'm also one of the best executives ever.

I am lucky, that is all. Lucky because there are a lot of people - producers, directors, people who buy tickets - who put confidence in me.

Somebody once said that Hollywood is based on a lot of producers deliberately making bad movies, and every now and then somebody gets lucky.

What's interesting is that producers, directors and writers tend to typecast me in terms of whatever movie they've seen me in most recently.

The truth is, for some absurd reason, no one is willing to admit that the interests of the producers and the theater owners are not the same.

I'd like to work with Florence and The Machine, Little Dragon, Frank Ocean, Miguel, Calvin Harris... there are so many artists and producers.

I am not saying 'Dum' flopped only because of piracy. But the money which went to the offenders could have gone to the producers of the film.

In the best of all worlds, the producers would take some responsibility for the kinds of things they're putting out. Unfortunately, they don't.

When I am in Calcutta, for instance, I often charge nothing for singing for debutant directors and small producers who cannot afford to pay me.

By the '40s, Sam Goldwyn is a very serious man. By the '50s, he's the dean of American producers. To the end, he was Hollywood's gray eminence.

I have to admit that I am not great at selecting music for CDs! I have a few personal favorites, and then I let my producer take it from there!

Even before I became a recording artist, I did other things in music. I was a teacher, I did studio work, and I was an arranger and a producer.

There's a lot of creativity in the industry, but I don't necessarily think that the most creative DJs or producers are always the biggest ones.

Record labels and producers are not looking to change you: they are looking to make a star. And what they might think is a star may not be you.

If you want India to lower tariffs and facilitate more free trade, then I think Indian producers also have a right to enter the European market.

Producers like to record all the drums first, then they do the bass, then all the guitars, so you're constantly moving from one song to another.

Evil or not, the recording industry kept Auto-Tune on the down-low. Cher's producer forced Auto-Tune to jump suddenly from one pitch to the next.

When producers want to know what the public wants, they graph it as curves. When they want to tell the public what to get, they say it in curves.

As producers, we can influence where the budget goes, but only the director really controls what tone, what type of movie you are trying to make.

According to the producers of gripping podcast 'Death, Sex & Money', these are the three things we think about a lot but need to talk about more.

My ambition was to be a record producer, and I had started doing that in the late '60s with my work with the MC5 and my friend Livingston Taylor.

The decisions that Ellen made on her show were between her and her producers. I supported her decisions. I was there to hug her when she got home.

To my knowledge, there is no blacklist. But there is a mindset, even among liberal producers, that says 'He may be difficult, so let's avoid him.'

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