When you're dealing with a bunch of different producers, you gotta make sure the chemistry fits.

My daughter is one of the associate producers on two shows for Disney. I am really proud of her.

I have only one loyalty - to my writing. I never wanted to be the head of a studio or a producer.

The bottom line is that female writers aren't being given enough opportunities by male producers.

I don't know what my friends do. Generally they become producers. That way they can stop writing!

Unfortunately, a lot of executives aren't like producers, and can't hear the diamond in the rough.

Get more women producers, writers, directors. Why should we expect men to do it for us? They can't.

You are probably right when you say that I could get a role in any producer's film if I just asked.

People like me, DJs and producers, have a bigger say and a bigger voice than we've ever had before.

I've often gone to start a film only to find the producers surprised to discover that I'm American.

It was all to do with the change of producer as well as political reasons I don't really comprehend.

What producers did was mostly recording in the studio, so it never changed our sound just that much.

Television news was expanding to an hour, and producers did not know how to fill the space and time.

If you think of movie studio executives, say, as society, then I root for the independent producers.

It took a long time to get out of my contract. The producers thought I was negotiating for more money.

We are not the playwright, we are not the producer, we are not even the audience. We are on the stage.

Television is a producers' medium. There is a formula with a certain number of closeups for each show.

Producer's Surplus is a convenient name for the genus of which the rent of land is the leading species.

The State provides a legal, orderly, systematic channel for predation on the property of the producers.

I do a lot of co-writing with my producer RedOne, and then a lot on my own. I just like to be creative.

Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it.

One other thing, if it's possible, as songwriters, you should also develop yourself as record producers.

Larry King and his producers ought to go back to school and learn what 'fair and balanced' really means.

In 2011, agricultural exports hit a record high and producers saw their best incomes in nearly 40 years.

The producers felt that 24 would be good for the audience, to really get to know who these 12 and 12 are.

The woman is the fiber of the nation. She is the producer of life. A nation is only as good as its women.

In the long run all producers are forced to use the most efficient methods or give place to others who do.

When Matt LeBlanc had his show 'Joey', I strongly suggested to the producers that they should bring me on.

I don't sit around listening to beats all day. There's so many producers, and so much of it is derivative.

For man is not the creature and product of Mechanism; but, in a far truer sense, its creator and producer.

After Star Trek, I was with the top agencies, but producers and directors did not know what to do with me.

One likes at the point of production to realize the maximum value, and diamond producers are no different.

I never, my producer never, we never let myself just sing. We were always trying to get the perfect vocal.

The slapdash way producers used to assemble a show seems a little unbelievable when we talk about them now.

The people on Quintuplets were great, but I wasn't a producer on that show, and it wasn't exactly my taste.

I got out of high school, bought a recording studio and started operating it as an engineer and a producer.

I want to know everything. I'm probably a bit of a pest for the producers because I ask a lot of questions.

Conspiracies are a perennial favorite for television producers because there is always a receptive audience.

'The Producers' is a sort of a once in a lifetime kind of phenomenon, and I was grateful to be a part of it.

Almost always, when I'm on TV, the producers who call me, who negotiate what we're going to say, is a woman.

If my accent betrayed my foreign birth, it also stamped me as an enemy, in the imagination of the producers.

People keep inventing all these new machines, and producers and recording engineers keep wanting to use them.

So I became a producer because I knew one of the reasons was they didn't do them the way I thought was right.

If I feel the part is right, and I know that the producers and the director want me, I'd go for broke. Always.

What's missing in the musical theater is producers willing to nurture new work, raise the money and put it on.

On every movie I've done as a director, I look at the producers and having done it, I don't envy them, at all.

There are wonderful composers and librettists out there. It's the lack of creative producers that is troubling.

Producers want to put their music behind revivals but I don't think that's a good trend for the theater at all.

A lot of producers don't have any musical education. I couldn't make the music I make without playing the piano.

Music is composed on computers and other electronic equipment; producers don't want to spend money on orchestra.

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