I have long held the ambition of my own TV chef programme.

My solar energy programme alone will generate about a million jobs.

It's an absolute disgrace that there isn't a books programme on the BBC.

Award functions are a big sham. It's a money-making television programme.

I was invited for the first Woodstock. Actually, I started the programme.

Personally, I'd like us to have a few more women on the 'Today' programme.

I used to watch a programme about Route 66 in America, and it looked so fun.

With the 'Watchdog Army' we're putting viewers at the heart of the programme.

We need to stand over our policies when negotiating a programme for government.

African pressure has led the E.U. to rethink part of its agricultural subsidy programme.

Is it OK to admit to being slightly obsessed with the TV programme 'Great British Menu?'

If you take over a programme from a longstanding incumbent, not everyone's going to like it.

My favourite programme of all time is 'Weeds'; the first three or four series are perfection.

When you've been on a programme called 'An Idiot Abroad' job offers aren't exactly flying in.

Programme names have been changed, and we have Andrew Neil saying he won't be using long words.

Faffing, of course, does not fit the programme. We are supposed to be busy, productive citizens.

When you look at our programme for the next few weeks, you do not fancy a trip to the Oktoberfest.

My all-time favourite programme is 'Seinfeld;' I could just sit and watch that over and over again.

In an arts programme, my job was to go where the talent was. And the talent was in popular culture.

I'd love to present a popular science programme because it's something I feel very passionate about.

The Tories, every election, must have a bogy man. If you haven't got a programme, a bogy man will do.

Gymnastics should be popular everywhere; you just need the right person to start the right programme.

I thought The Office was good, though I didn't think of it as a sitcom, just as a very good programme.

We urgently need a major programme of investment in renewable energy generation to tackle climate change.

A good host is someone who really takes care of everyone, from the food to their daily programme. I can't.

I reckon there could be an entire 'It'll Be Alright On The Night' programme dedicated to me on 'The Chase.'

M.G.M. never really gave me a break. They loaned me out for leading roles but cast me in programme pictures.

Top Boy' isn't the type of programme that is trying to be righteous and have a happy ending, it is just real.

The positive heuristic of the programme saves the scientist from becoming confused by the ocean of anomalies.

Have I ever presented a programme I don't watch? Well, I've done loads of programmes that no one else watched!

I was for many years myself a journalist and it is not appropriate to say a programme should not be broadcast.

Anyone can watch 'The Worst Witch' - it's quite a versatile programme, even though most of the cast are female.

In North America, more than half of all children travel to school by bus. We need a similar programme in London.

Cardio should be added to a weightlifting programme to A, keep you fit and healthy and B, keep you somewhat lean.

'Family Guy'. It's not only the funniest programme on television, it's the most wonderfully, indecorously literate.

We have a mentoring and angel investing programme. We are also talking to the government to help create a VC industry.

I never would've thought of going on 'Strictly,' I mean, I went on because it's my mum's favourite programme in the world.

In a packed programme tonight, we will be talking to an out-of-work contortionist who says he can no longer make ends meet.

More useful than beautiful perhaps, my favourite regular programme is 'Question Time'. And Charlie Brooker is just hilarious.

I have no political weight, and I haven't earned the right to launch some kind of political programme or stand as a candidate.

In the 1990s, the United States offered to help North Korea with its energy needs if it gave up its nuclear weapons programme.

I am a fan of actor Richard Gere. When he came to Hyderabad for an AIDS awareness programme, I went up and shook hands with him.

We want a strong, vibrant economy for Britain so that we can set out a clear and affordable alternative programme for government.

It would be hypocritical of me to use being female in some ways, and diss being female in other ways. It's part of the programme.

Even the 'Today' programme involves a balance between the worthy-but-heavy items with the worthless-but-entertainingly-light ones.

In every area, we seem to have thrown everything away and embraced reality television. It's nauseating, programme after programme.

The experimental poetry thing is not my thing. It's a programme of the avant-garde: basically a refusal of the kind of poetry I write.

Provision of best services to the citizens is our top priority, and Punjab government has evolved a coordinated programme in this regard.

When you are coaching an international team, you are running a programme for 12 months of the year. You get to influence peoples' careers.

Nowadays, kids know how a programme like Merlin is made and how it works. But the show just seems to grow in popularity the more it goes on.

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