There are programs that don't work.

I write my programs primarily for myself.

I'm a huge fan of the Nature Channel programs.

The Asian airlines have the best wine programs.

There've been a lot of TV programs on me in Russia.

We produce programs that honor God and impact our world.

I'd like to work on putting art programs back in schools.

Early admission programs tend to advantage the advantaged.

Our nation's anti-hunger programs need to be strengthened.

We need good reading programs, and we need equity in schools.

What I do in my book is let people know about these programs.

I always wanted to be Olympic champion and do clean programs.

I wrote a lot. I was in programs for drawing when I was a kid.

We must end welfare programs that devalue men and spoil women.

Some television programs are so much chewing gum for the eyes.

I think that affirmative action programs can be very important.

I'm a big fan of martial arts films, novels and radio programs.

I have no preconceived notions of what SBA programs work or not.

The key to winning in major programs is how you play on the road.

There's nothing that can replace quality programs in a non-profit.

We should be reforming our entitlement programs to empower people.

Poverty-fighting programs are not handouts - they are investments.

Parenting is one of the best management training programs there is.

Skating is a very beautiful sport, and I love watching new programs.

NBC programs great shows; it just doesn't have the eyeballs CBS does.

I am going to put money into education at the expense of other programs.

The long and short of it is, we need more rigor in all kinds of programs.

I will do my best to support science in Korea and space programs in Korea.

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.

For example, many colleges in their writing programs teach some of my work.

Usually, environmental programs are not designed for a mainstream audience.

The world has changed profoundly since our programs were first established.

We need to make sure our government programs encourage work, not dependence.

Trying to make programs that are all things to everyone is not going to work.

The Obama administration's hostility to school choice programs is well known.

Other than my foundation - mentoring programs - everything I do is for money.

I've always believed the two best anti-poverty programs are work and marriage.

All of those loan programs that the federal government administers have flaws.

Too frequently, we hear about coaches and programs willing to win at any cost.

The arts are usually the first thing to be cut in schools or regional programs.

Metaprograms are programs that manipulate themselves or other programs as data.

You see, the poverty program for the last five years have been buy-off programs.

I would like to see additional funding for entrepreneurial development programs.

I don't like a lot of social programs either because it makes you non-productive.

We have not yet concluded that needle-exchange programs do not encourage drug use.

Labor looks different in the 21st century. And so should our job training programs.

There are a lot of us that want to see limitations on refugee resettlement programs.

I can tell you about the education programs, because that's where I lived and worked.

The I.M.F. programs cost us $2 billion in outflows against only $1 billion in inflows.

Some Marine units actually use 'An Officer and a Gentleman' in their training programs.

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