Change is the watchword of progression.

There's been a progression in my sound.

Change is a natural form of progression.

Champions league progression takes years.

All progression is in the relative world.

Without contraries there is no progression.

Vice is a peripatetic, always in progression.

Progression: you can start from where you are.

What you become directly influences what you get.

Myths are a waste of time. They prevent progression.

Age is such a natural progression you shouldn't fight it.

I think all of our records are a progression of some sort.

If you want to be friend of progression, be the enemy of fear!

However we can spread love and progression, we've got to do it.

Fashion is more usually a gentle progression of revisited ideas.

Gamma was a logical progression after doing the Open Fire record.

Put one dumb foot in front of the other and course-correct as you go.

I'm an established fighter, not a fighter who needs steady progression.

After being an actor, producing 'One By Two' was a natural progression.

I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression.

I think more about the family now. That's an interesting progression for me.

I tend to hear rhythm and melody, chord-progressions, long before I hear words.

It became a lucrative misconception, that movement in any direction is progression

Acting has been my first passion, and turning a producer was a natural progression.

People naturally change a lot during their 20s, so my songs reflect that progression.

The advance of knowledge is an infinite progression towards a goal that ever recedes.

I think for comedians, acting is their natural progression. It's all about progression.

Using open strings is a great way to add texture and atmosphere to any chord progression.

According to my royalty statements, 'The Green Progression' sold 392 copies in hardcover.

Politics are a smooth file, which cuts gradually, and attains its end by slow progression.

A film career is a natural progression for any model and i'm sure this trend will continue.

A career is a progression of ups and downs, how you deal with them and how you bounce back.

It (baseball) has no clock, no ties and no Liberal intrusions into the organized progression.

The thing with Kerry is that all of this is a natural progression, her troubles. It's a cycle.

Progression is going forwards. Going backwards is regression. Going sideways is just gression.

Some runners have a constant progression, but mine was very stop and start because of injuries.

It so happened that my goals kind of matched my career progression toward becoming an astronaut.

Each day, as you get older, there is a new perspective on life. It's a progression of some sort.

Lifestyle changes may slow, stop, or even reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer.

The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions.

Joanne' is a progression for me. It was about going into the studio and forgetting that I was famous.

I'm a progressive. The progression has to be manifested in a new direction in policies and legislation.

I think it's a natural progression: a lot of centre-backs start wide when they're young and move inside.

It turns out kids today still learn that four-chord progression when they're just picking up the guitar.

I have nothing against smaller roles; they made me what I am today. But, progression is the way of life.

There's so many ways you can play one chord progression that the repetition isn't ever exactly the same.

Inconsistency is a great door for the change and for the progression! Never hesitate to be inconsistent!

You get what I call the natural progression, the three Is. The innovators, the imitators, and the idiots.

Being bridled, or yielding obediently to restraint, is necessary for our personal growth and progression.

At first, I did stories on people who were maybe just eccentric. Omar was a natural progression from that.

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