I like to provoke. I'm very French.

Writers should provoke disagreement.

I think it's cool to provoke something in people.

I would like to provoke ambiguous responses in my readers.

Of course defenders will try to provoke me - that is their job.

There's no question that Ben Shapiro loves to provoke college students.

We are professionals, we have to set the example and not provoke anyone.

The best films of any kind, narrative or documentary, provoke questions.

Crime stories are often sensationalized. They can provoke lower standards.

I became an actress to provoke people and move people and to tell the stories.

A destruction, an annihilation that only man can provoke, only man can prevent.

The greatest danger of bombs is in the explosion of stupidity that they provoke.

Chinese food tries to engage the mind, not just the palate. To provoke the intellect.

Horror, of all the genres, is the only one that can provoke an involuntary visceral reaction.

To provoke dreams of terror in the slumber of prosperity has become the moral duty of literature.

The bottom line is that sometimes the little things I do on the pitch provoke exaggerated reactions.

I try to write catchy hooks but, at the same time, things that mean something that will provoke thought.

Any time you have someone's first-hand account of the sheer terror that ISIS can provoke... that's powerful.

I want to provoke people with thoughts, not by taking my clothes off. It's time to move on from Stripperville.

Just strictly from a business standpoint, kids are a liability to landlords, and they actually provoke evictions.

Sometimes I walk into a situation and know someone is going to provoke me, and I just simply refuse to be provoked.

The arts stimulate imagination. They provoke thought. And then, having done that, all sorts of other things happen.

If you want to provoke, you should provoke someone who is stronger than you, otherwise you are misusing your power.

Do I provoke as a method of investigation? Of course. That's the essence of architecture. Do I do it with gusto? I do.

There are people out there who want to provoke me and bring back the old Mary but I'm not giving them the satisfaction.

If I have a voice to shine light on things or draw attention or provoke, as an artist people look to - I should do that.

Anything one can do to provoke and inspire an interest in the works of Shakespeare in a young audience is fair game. Anything.

If you engage with the police, filled with fear, you're more likely to make really bad decisions that than provoke them to take action.

We provoke a shark every time we enter the water where sharks happen to be, for we forget: The ocean is not our territory - it's theirs.

My role is to take the player to his limits, to provoke him, to annoy him against me, because in this nervousness is the will to improve.

I create doubt in the reader's mind. That is what literature is for: to provoke, to raise doubts, to talk about things that are not obvious.

I like people that challenge their art, not only in the purist way, but also in terms of how they could provoke and make something different.

As a director, it's my job to provoke, and when people decided 'The Room' be called a phenomenon, or whatever you call it, it's fine with me.

I believe in any country, matters that relate to its territory would, of course, provoke strong sentiments amongst the people of that country.

I am sorry to think that you do not get a man's most effective criticism until you provoke him. Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness.

Of all the logical impasses, unknowings, paradoxes, and terrors that provoke laughter, death by its finality and unsolvable mystery is paramount.

What did our nation ever do to provoke these madly vicious enemies? What is seen as injustice in one place is seen as just requital in the other.

During high school, I would purposely lose tennis and squash matches to escape the agony of anxiety that competitive situations would provoke in me.

When a man fails to see the truth of certain generally accepted views, there is no law compelling him to provoke animosity by announcing his dissent.

I feel like great TED Talks are ones that are a little bit subject to interpretation, that do provoke further conversation - and potentially controversy.

I know I will be breaking a taboo. But I'm sure that it will provoke a new discussion. It's time things change. I feel 30 and want to look that way again.

And it says something about our level of disassociation, that we can provoke these wars abroad but we're not allowed to see people get killed as a result.

If the North Korean Communists provoke another war, we must immediately deter it and give them a decisive counterattack at the initial place of aggression.

I want film stories to provoke a question in people about what's going on emotionally around them and empower them in some way or ask them about themselves.

When you are on the street, if someone walks towards you it's better to look down. But we were always looking at people in the eye to try to provoke something.

Whether you want to entertain or to provoke, to break hearts or reassure them, what you bring to your writing must consist of your longings and disappointments.

It's challenging to take on something else that is not you and make it very real and have others be able to associate with it. It's wonderful to provoke thought.

Since governmental quotas expand bureaucratic power, provoke a backlash and are unfair to individuals, we need to find a better way to increase minority opportunities.

It'll keep you alive for another 10 years if you get yourself a laugh once a day: either provoke it, or look around in the wildest laboratory in the world, the public.

Violence can succeed, as Americans know well from the conquest of the national territory. But at terrible cost. It can also provoke violence in response, and often does.

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