I don't want to be a punching bag.

My game plan is always my punching.

I'm not going to be anybody's punching bag.

I just like punching loudmouths in the face.

My punching power passes any other heavyweight.

Yes!” said Fang, punching the air. “Freaks rule.

I didn't want to be known for punching out movie stars.

I actually have a punching bag right outside in my garden.

Part of my gift as a fighter is being a human punching bag.

Every book I write, the media just keeps punching me in the face.

I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone's defense strategy.

Having a debate with a modern Christian is like punching a sponge.

Actually punching is a mistake; a heavy hitter will cut you with one shot.

I just had to stay cool. Zen. No punching in the face. Punching would not be Zen.

A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.

Sometimes punching a bag for half an hour was pretty cathartic and pretty necessary.

Planned Parenthood is a gigantic bully, using Komen as its own personal punching bag.

I love punching the ceiling with my fists when I'm lost or I can't find a parking space.

I always like being a director in terms of giving acting notes and punching up on the fly.

I really respect those guys that get $250,000 for punching up scripts, because it's an art form.

You punch me, I punch back. I do not believe it's good for one's self-respect to be a punching bag.

While racists see themselves as proudly punching down, anti-Semites perceive themselves as punching up.

I don't think punching lockers is the way forward for anyone. There's only going to be one winner there.

Working a job I love is mentally less stressful than punching in a clock everyday, but it's a lot busier.

I want violence. I want punching in the face. I'm disappointed in Trump supporters for not punching enough.

Striking isn't just about kicking and punching. It's far more complex than that. It's also about timing and range.

Punch me." "Don't be absurd." "Come on, punch me, Barrons." "I'm not punching you." "I said, punch--OW!" He decked me.

I go to body combat classes. There's something very tribal about being in a room with 30 other women punching and kicking!

I didn't go into this business to do action because I'm a classically trained actor. But I'm good at kicking and punching.

Some of my fights in PRIDE, I felt tired. I would train on the punching bag and feel great but then get tired in my fights.

Moviemaking is so male-dominated now that they think they’re being pro-feminine when they have women punching each other out.

I'm not a matchmaker; I don't run the UFC - I'm a fighter. So I'll stick to doing what I do best: training and punching people.

I saw six men kicking and punching the mother-in-law. My neighbour said 'Are you going to help?' I said 'No, six should be enough.'

I think that Wladimir is more talented than I, and he has tremendous punching power. He's younger. He's the one. He's better than me.

I always felt caged, closed in, like I was punching at things that weren't there. I always had too much energy for the room I was in.

Punching your weight is one of boxing's most sensible rules. It's a handy one to abide by whether your battles lie in or out of a ring.

I'd rather have Ben Affleck feeling something than twenty minutes of punching CGI Zod. You want moments that resonate with your audience.

Careful living and correct training methods aided me a great deal, but I would say straight punching was the foundation of all my success.

I want to be known to fans and appreciated as a 'boxer-painter' in regards to speed, footwork, punching power - an art form inside the ring.

When things are right and things are focused, it's a game to me, and I'm there just stalking and punching and grabbing and tearing people up.

The nice thing about Squirrel Girl is that she's smart, and she looks for situations that don't necessarily involve punching people all the time.

I have a master plan as an artist. I've always said I'm not going to be punching nobody's clock. I will work as an artist to survive in this world.

I know Haye's a good fighter as well and he beat Mormeck but Mormeck is not Enzo Maccarinelli and does not have the speed, stamina or punching power.

All fighters run. The constant motion prepares you for being in the ring. And running strengthens your legs. Punching power comes from your lower body.

What better to get all the anger and stuff out for what I do in Slipknot than to play the drums? You're punching everything, really fast, concentrated.

A lot of people say I'm reckless and I take too many shots. I take shots on the forehead. There's nothing wrong with that. It puts me in punching range.

Oh, yes, that feels so good," I moaned, and instead of punching Ian, pulled him closer. Breath tickled my neck as he laughed. "I know. I'm truly gifted.

MMA embodies a lot of disciplines of sports with footwork and with football, especially with the punching technique you get the hand and eye coordination.

I like punching people and I like being punched, to be honest with you. What other thing could I do, beating people up and getting beat up, and get paid for it?

My mom allowed me to take an old burlap bag and fill it with moss, corn stalks and rocks, then hang it from a tree and spend an hour a day punching my heavy bag.

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