I hate puppets so much.

Everyone loves puppets.

Mahmoud Abbas is a puppet.

You [Hillary Clinton] are the puppet!

Let me tell you, I am nobody's puppet.

I feel like Obama's an Illuminati puppet.

Maybe from now on puppets can do the parts

We are puppets of our subconscious desires.

Nothing like a puppet to give you the willies.

A glove is a very literal looking hand puppet.

You know who likes to get fisted? Sock puppets.

A puppet is free as long as he loves his strings.

We need more prophets in our pulpits and less puppets

And perhaps our awareness is the first step to our liberation.

We are only puppets, our strings are being pulled by unknown forces.

Puppets seem like vampires sometimes. They live, and you're depleted.

We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.

Dance looks absurd on film, I think, like little puppets moving around.

I know what I look like - a weird, sad clown puppet. I'm fine with that.

I make tiny wooden people with bits of hair. Puppets and things like that.

I secretly wanted to act. I also wanted be a toy designer and make puppets.

The world and the universe are far more wonderful if there's not a puppet master.

The puppet thinks: It's not so much what they make me do as their hands inside me.

He [ Vladimir Putin] would rather have a puppet as president of the United States.

I do a public access show with puppets. Puppets called actors, TV and movie stars.

We are co-creators with God, not puppets on a string waiting for something to happen.

Money is the string with which a sardonic destiny directs the motions of its puppets.

I could never be on stage on my own. But puppets can say things that humans can't say.

I'm not some sort of puppet. Like, there isn't a team of people telling me what to do.

[Money] is the string with which a sardonic destiny directs the motions of its puppets.

Having a puppet is a way of having opposing opinions - I say a thing; he says the other.

Reporters are like puppets. They simply respond to the pull of the most powerful strings.

I had a desire to prove to myself that I was actually in control - that I wasnt a puppet.

Cheap liquor is a magic potion that can turn you into a puppet cowboy before it kills you.

As long as Muslims were confident they could not be defeated, but now we are just puppets.

Most unfortunately, in the lives of puppets there is always a 'but' that spoils everything.

No one is moral among the god-controlled puppets of the _Iliad_. Good and evil do not exist.

When I was young, my mum was part of a brilliant puppet theatre that toured all over the world.

My puppets are far more liberated than I am. Ventriloquism is a useful way of expressing myself.

The real you is not a puppet that life pushes around, the real deep down you is the whole universe.

So, after all, we are but puppets, creatures of our fate, not commanding it but being molded by it.

Russian Parliament today is a bunch of puppets that just fall in with the instructions from Kremlin.

When I was a kid, I never saw a puppet show. I never played with puppets or had any interest in them.

I think you could take any Bruckheimer movie and do it with puppets, and it would be screamingly funny.

You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. What is wrong with you?

We tend to regard ourselves as puppets of the Past, driven along by something that is always behind us.

Puppets interacting with other puppets is super complicated. You're juggling ten balls instead of three.

[Bashar] Assad is one of the main reasons why ISIS even exists to begin with. Assad is a puppet of Iran.

Children are so used to seeing puppets that when they see a real ventriloquist they don't understand it.

Put your puppet on the throne." said Talathain. "You may make her Queen but she won’t be Queen for long.

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