American society is still puritanical.

I've always been extremely puritanical.

Once is orthodox, twice is puritanical.

I've discovered I am quite a puritanical person.

I had a strong, really good upbringing, not puritanical.

Chilean society is conservative, but U.S. society is puritanical.

But we're still in somewhat a Puritanical society in a lot of ways.

Saudi Arabia is a puritanical state that claims a monopoly of wisdom and virtue.

Puritanical attempts to cure society by taking toys away from children are hypocritical and futile.

Religion provides us with a puritanical dream, which can never be realized because it goes against human nature.

Public displays of puritanical religiosity mask the private perversions of the real Washington behind closed doors.

My parents were teetotalers and my grandparents were - it's all the way back. It's New English puritanical tradition.

I'm cursed with this puritanical streak that makes me want everything to be about something. It's a terrible affliction.

We're more sexually repressed than men, having been given a much more strict puritanical code of behavior than men ever have.

I was raised to think that if you behaved badly with men, you went to hell. I realise now it is puritanical and not very adult.

We're warriors, this culture, and we're very puritanical about sex and very embracing about violence and I don't know why that is.

We still have this prudish, puritanical culture, but we also have so little exposure to a diversity of bodies. Bodies are beautiful and great and compelling.

Good old-fashioned, puritanical work guilt is, for me, a better colleague than any Muse. If I reach my weekly word target by Friday afternoon, then the weekend is guilt-free.

When the forces are aligning against hybridity, it harms everyone, as we are all migrants. Growing up in Pakistan, I know just how oppressive that kind of puritanical mindset can be.

I think our nation cannot stomach the notion of a woman in sexual terms whatsoever: that we are so puritanical that we cannot dismiss the notion of sex from our minds when it comes to women.

Even when the writing seems very frivolous, I'm puritanical. I don't mean my subject matter. It's that I'm almost pathologically incapable of leaving something when I'm not quite happy with it.

I think we're very uptight in America. You have to remember that we're descended from Puritans. Whether or not the country is now composed of immigrants, our culture as American really begins with the landing of the Pilgrims and a puritanical view of things.

The United States is considered a puritanical society by many Western nations. For example, they can't believe we hassle public servants like General David Petraeus because he had a mistress. In France, if a powerful man doesn't have a mistress, he's considered a wimp.

It's a cliche, but Americans are puritanical. In their movies, they are scared of sex, but they overindulge in violence. I could have cut a G-rated version of 'Y Tu Mama Tambien' that would have pleased the American ratings board, but it would have been five minutes long.

There's something about that puritanical narrative of progress and upward mobility and work ethic that the glorification of abstinence fits pretty neatly into. That pairs with the fact that 12-step recovery has had too large a monopoly on how treatment is understood in America.

Bostonians vs. Chicagoans, they have different sensibilities, and I can only say this because I consider myself a Bostonian. You know, the Puritanical roots in Boston - the 'sky is falling' mentality a little bit. We could be on a great run, and we'd lose one game, and everyone's panicking.

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