Our whole life is solving puzzles.

I'm actually really bad at puzzles.

Golf is a puzzle without an answer.

I can do some of the number puzzles.

A cat is like a puzzle with no solution.

You just chip away until the puzzle is complete.

Never buy your kid a Puzzle that you can't solve!

Murder mysteries are puzzles that are fun to resolve.

Math, it's a puzzle to me. I love figuring out puzzles.

I do enjoy the puzzle-solving aspect of making a movie.

I write puzzles and mysteries. Nothing too highfalutin.

I enjoy walking my dog and completing crossword puzzles.

The problems of puzzles are very near the problems of life.

I'll never get why the earth is a puzzle that i'll never fit.

Tell the truth so as to puzzle and confound your adversaries.

I don't use simple words. I make games and puzzles with my songs.

I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer.

Life isn't a puzzle to be solved. It's an adventure to be savored.

Love your enemy. It will not only puzzle him, But finally illumine him.

Solving wits and puzzles, in a way, helps to develop wit and ingenuity.

When I asked God for Brains and Brawn, He gave me Puzzles in life to Solve.

There is nothing miraculous about puzzles. Competent mentalism is miraculous.

The markets are the world's greatest Rubik's cube. And I love solving puzzles.

We do jigsaw puzzles. Here's a pro tip: Listen to an audiobook while doing it.

One thing that I do find really sexy is a girl who's good at crossword puzzles.

The biggest challenges are fixing the problems, to put all the puzzles together.

Nothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet nothing troubles me less.

My wife thinks she's better than me at puzzles. I haven't given in on that one yet.

I don't think there is a hidden purpose to the universe that you have to puzzle out.

What is mathematics? It is only a systematic effort of solving puzzles posed by nature.

Spending waiting moments doing crossword puzzles or reading a book you brought yourself.

I try to make puzzles range all the way from easy to hard, and to leave many open at once.

I'm a games and theory kind of guy. I love puzzles, so it was fun dissecting Shakespeare's prose.

If you are curious, you'll find the puzzles around you. If you are determined, you will solve them.

People love solving puzzles, and you always love it when somebody smarter than you is solving puzzles.

I have to constantly work on my reflexes and hand-eye coordination. I do a lot of puzzles. I play chess.

I'm taking memory power boost tablets to help me every day and doing the puzzles to help me stay focused.

My activities tend to revolve around crossword puzzles, reading and playing piano and games with my friends.

My secret vice is Sudoku puzzles. Can't stop playing them. My parents are accountants. I blame them entirely.

I love solving puzzles, I love finding my way around obstacles, and I love learning new things about technology.

I did have a thing for mazes. When I was a kid, I remember drawing little mazes constantly and puzzles. I loved that.

As a kid, I loved doing puzzles, solving riddles, and reading mystery books. I also loved animals and always had pets.

My definition of an adventure game is an interactive story set with puzzles and obstacles to solve and worlds to explore.

It's the people we love the most who can make us feel the gladdest ... and the maddest! Love and anger are such a puzzle!

Whilst I love still hiding... games and puzzles to play, I'm not as imprisoned by that need to fill every corner with detail.

Amazingly when you add life and consciousness to the equation you can actually explain some of the biggest puzzles of science.

My favourite thing is to do crossword puzzles. I do the 'New York Times' one every morning. Then I go to the barn to see my horse.

I have certainly enjoyed puzzles since an early age, and things that look like impossible things are often particularly intriguing.

I like to live in my own mind, regardless of everyone and everything, working out the intimate puzzles that are my stories and novels.

I'm that sensitive, honest guy who likes people, wants to know why, and who puzzles everyone by continually putting himself in harm's way.

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