I'm not your quintessential liberal.

I don't like quintessential certitude.

'Showboat' is the quintessential family show.

I was your quintessential nerd in high school.

My father was the quintessential husband and dad.

Madhuri is the quintessential heroine of all time.

If astrology is real, I guess I'm a pretty quintessential Virgo.

My father was a pastor, my mother was the quintessential pastor's wife.

When I look at pictures when I was younger, I do the quintessential cringe.

'The Glass Castle' by Jeannette Walls is the quintessential dysfunctional family.

I have a lot of guy-like quintessential relationship qualities that I have had to work on.

Helena Bonham Carter - she's so stunning. She's really English, quintessential, elegant, charming.

Patience was not something that came naturally to me, but in cooking it is the quintessential skill.

My mum was a quintessential businesswoman. She taught me problem-solving. She can solve any problem.

I think Robert Plant is the quintessential frontman - just the way he moves. His voice is superhuman.

Thugs of Hindostan' is the quintessential Hindi movie that we love to watch with our friends and families.

For me, '52nd Street' is quintessential Billy Joel. I bought that record as a kid and listened to it so much.

The love in the old days had a certain grace, quintessential feel to it. Now everybody is busy in their phones.

When I didn't become the quintessential Yash Chopra hero, I got into the 'struggle' period and became negative.

Firing the prosecutor who's about to get you or your campaign is kind of quintessential obstruction of justice.

'The Omen,' 'The Exorcist,' those movies for me are the quintessential horror movies that still scare me as an adult.

President Reagan was the quintessential Happy Warrior, and no one loves, respects, and admires Reagan more than I do.

In my generation, history was taught in terms of grand figures, men on whom the destiny of the nation hinged, quintessential heroes.

Emigration, forced or chosen, across national frontiers or from village to metropolis, is the quintessential experience of our time.

The 'Next Generation' and 'Voyager' are about even; I think 'Voyager' is mildly superior, although Picard is the quintessential captain.

I have no qualms working on a quintessential Bollywood film, but I can't work on mindless no-brainers. I have too much self-respect for that.

The long poem cannot be a digressive, expansive, boring exposition. It is really made of very sharp, Imagistic, quintessential poetic elements.

Saddle bronc is the quintessential rodeo sport - not the chaos of bull riding or the thrashing of bareback riding. It might be harder than both.

A quintessential experience is to raft the Rio Grande through the Blue Mountains, stopping off at waterfalls and having picnics of barbecued fish.

Nowadays, everyone has a stylist - we were raw, wearing 8 ball jackets with kente hats and spandex. It's a quintessential look that everyone loved.

I'm not leaving New York. And neither is anyone else. We're here. We are quintessential Americans - we're not only American, but New York-American.

The crown of lamb has always been a quintessential Christmas dish, and growing up in India, we would read about lamb when learning about the holiday.

As a little girl, I thought I'd like to get married on the beach. But I'm not the quintessential girl who had these sort of fantasies about that stuff.

I feel like if you're a girl in the South, you know 'Gone with the Wind' better than anything. Scarlett O'Hara is such a quintessential Southern woman.

I really saw myself as the quintessential Cinderella. I think that's when I really thought about how I wanted to do something else and get away from all that.

'A Christmas Carol' has been described as the most perfect of Dickens's works and as a quintessential heart-warming story, and it is certainly the most popular.

The initial response to 'Yennai Arindhaal' was that it didn't have all the quintessential commercial elements, though I consider it as my most commercial venture.

One quintessential moment in time is when you're 22, when you graduate college. And then another quintessential time is as a middle-age man. That's the convergence.

The iambic line, with its characteristic forward movement from short to long, or light to heavy, or unstressed to stressed, is the quintessential measure of English verse.

I'm cool under pressure. Cool as a cucumber, actually, eerily so. My friends and family comment on it. I think I get it from my father, the quintessential smooth operator.

As many have noted, Donald Trump's presidency is an insurgency. Mr. Trump himself is the quintessential insurgent, doing battle with a disingenuous and entrenched establishment.

I always say that you get to see a 'Malayali' only in the Gulf. Even in Kerala, you will only see somebody from Kozhikode, Alappuzha, or Kollam, never a quintessential Malayali!

To me, 'Blue Like Jazz' is a quintessential American story. So many people are just like Don - raised Christian and go off to college only to abandon their beliefs in order to fit in or be accepted.

My mother likes what I cook, but doesn't think it's French. My wife is Puerto Rican and Cuban, so I eat rice and beans. We have a place in Mexico, but people think I'm the quintessential French chef.

I think that laughter and death are closely related: comedy is the quintessential human reaction to the fear of death. It's probably linked with the fact that we are the only animals who know we must die.

Science is the quintessential international endeavour, and the sterling reputation of the Nobel awards is partly due to the widely-perceived lack of national and other biases in the selection of the laureates.

I love anything paneer! Our family favorite, however, is 'Dal Dhokli,' a quintessential Gujarati dish of bread dumplings and lentil soup. That's the big meal of the week typically prepared by my mother on Sundays.

War is not the quintessential emergency in which man has to prove himself, as my generation learned at its school desks in the days of the Kaiser; rather, peace is the emergency in which we all have to prove ourselves.

I always thought I'd be the quintessential Earth Mother, but when I had Harrison, I really wasn't the natural mother that I always thought I would be. I adore children, but I was never that interested in newborn babies.

I've become the quintessential L.A. person, to an embarrassingly cliched level. I'm like, 'Let's go for a hike and get a green juice.' That's a perfect Saturday to me. I hate being that cliche but, damn, it's also really nice.

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