Radical Chic, after all, is only radical in Style; in its heart it is part of Society and its traditions.

If we want to destroy radical Islamic terrors, we can't disassociate ourselves from peace loving Muslims.

The neo-cons constitute a radical reactionary fringe of the planning spectrum, but the spectrum is narrow.

I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad.

I have my life. I have my values. And compared with much of society, especially football, that is radical.

I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends.

The radical intelligence in the moderate position is the only place where the center holds. Or so it seems.

I personally don’t feel the need to be radical for its own sake, but I probably couldn’t if I tried anyway.

Design, if it is to be ecologically responsible and socially responsive, must be revolutionary and radical.

I am trying to do two things: dare to be a radical and not a fool, which is a matter of no small difficulty.

One of the things I've been working on for the past few months is a radical simplification of the interface.

The 1973 Labour Conference will have before it the most radical programme the Party has prepared since 1945.

There is no point in going into a business unless you can make a radical difference in other people’s lives.

Radical innovation is difficult to fund. It seems scary. And the really radical things seem even more scary.

In the radical Islamist jihad world, you're seeing more and more recruits going to ISIS rather than al-Qaida.

I don't think it's an incredibly radical premise to try and have sympathy for someone who has made a mistake.

I really feel strongly that we can make change for every person. And it will be radical in the person's life.

The time draws near, when a radical change must take place for the whole world in the management of diplomacy.

There was no censorship of the press: in general, the War Measures Act could have been made even more radical.

Democracy is still a radical idea in a world where we often confuse images with realities, words with actions.

The most radical thing any of us can do at this time is to be fully present to what is happening in the world.

There needs to be radical development in equality law to create the environment to allow women to stay in work.

On everything from climate change to the housing crisis, we need solutions that are credible, bold and radical.

There are real radical Muslim groups out there that really are pretty villainous. You don't have to make them up.

A radical is he who has no sense...fights without reason...I have a reason. I am authentic. Yes, that's what I am.

It is clear that the radical left has taken over the Democratic Party, leaving behind the party of John F. Kennedy.

Radical changes will come to the Netherlands. We stand for fundamental choices, and we need to make the right ones.

One of the most radical things you can do, is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences.

Radicalism itself ceases to be radical when absorbed mainly in preserving its control over a society or an economy.

The Iranians are abusing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to gain more support from radical elements in the region.

It really is a strange time we're living in, when saying 'Don't kill people' is considered a radical point of view.

We cannot 'fix' the police without a revolution of values and radical change to the basic structure of our society.

Whether you call it radical jihadism or radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing. I'm happy to say either.

The revolution that's required isn't a revolution of radical ideas, but the implementation of ideas we already have.

My most radical shift was leaving Intel and joining Google, a small startup at the time, even though I was pregnant.

I've always been interested in the history of radical feminism - what happened to those women of the 1960s and '70s.

In the past Berlin was much more radical and extreme and now it's becoming much more of a conventional European city.

When humanness is lost the radical difference between the bodies in the pit and people walking on the street is lost.

I don't like to make strong statements. I want to write strong novels... I keep my deep, radical things for my novels.

I prefer for government to err toward less regulation, lower taxation, and free markets. And I'm a radical free trader.

I think I am a radical. I have never deviated from that. By radical, I mean someone trying to go to the root of things.

Are we fighting too many wars? And I would say no. We're fighting one war. And it's a war against radical Islamic Jihad.

We began as restless and radical. Remember the spirit of 1997, but by the end of our time in office we had lost our way.

For the first time in human history, there seems to be a radical increase in the proportion reaching principled morality.

Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for what he must aim at is to make things better than they are.

Although some people think I am a romantic novelist I have always thought of myself as a rather gritty radical historian.

The West is in for a long, irregular confrontation - not with terrorism, which is simply a tactic, but with radical Islam.

Martin Luther King Jr. was not just a man of peace. He was a radical pacifist, and so he was against war across the board.

Tired of nagging your kids to hurry up, get dressed, drink their milk and brush their teeth? Here's a radical idea: Don't.

We weren't radical chic. Jane Fonda embarrassed me. We belonged to no political parties. Basically, we were vaudevillians.

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