Ramifications of small decisions can be pretty large.

I often don't think a lot about the ramifications of anything I do.

I have to think about the possible ramifications of an early retirement.

I think there are ramifications for having rules when you don't have a problem.

I feel extremely lucky to compete openly as who I am, not worry about ramifications.

It is better to not even try it than to endure the ramifications of either quitting smoking or dying.

Obesity among young Americans is a serious problem that can have serious ramifications in the long run.

I don't think the British people really knew the ramifications of what would happen after Brexit or not.

You can see what happens when people don't feel they have a chance. You can see the ramifications of that.

The Rafale deal narrative that the Congress is setting is a propaganda that has international ramifications.

Workplace romances - or even the illusion of a workplace romance - can carry many ramifications and consequences.

As a former federal judge, I am cognizant of the legal issues. As governor, I am forced to deal with their ramifications.

Characters never live with me in film the way they do on stage, and they have certain ramifications that movies just never have.

A lot of my films have dealt with the dark side of technology and stress that you have to examine the ramifications of progress.

Incidentally, think about the ramifications of storing data on light waves that can be stopped and started at the speed of light.

But whatever the ramifications, whatever turns the path takes, the beginning is always there, in a particular moment, a particular point of access.

It's fair to say that Wikipedia has spent far more time considering the philosophical ramifications of categorization than Aristotle and Kant ever did.

I'm just so against kids being on Twitter because they are not thinking about the ramifications of what they are saying or the emotion of how they say it.

The public health ramifications of our scandalous open borders are possibly even more dangerous and far-reaching than the economic and political consequences.

When a decision is made to go to war based on intelligence, it is a fateful decision. It has ramifications and impacts way beyond the current months and years.

I think that social media has really empowered bullies because you get to do it from the comfort of your own home, completely anonymously, with no ramifications.

The ramifications that you set for yourself can inspire you to do things that you would have never thought of because, once you're trapped, your job is to persevere.

The sad thing is that, for many writers of fantasy fiction, the inclusion of magic seems to mean that logical ramifications and real-world laws both go out the window.

The political ramifications of our festering financial and economic crisis have reached the sidewalks of New York, as well as other large and small cities across the US.

Being unemployed has so many real and palpable ramifications but there are also psychological side effects which you can only understand if you've truly lived through it.

Wakanda is the Marvel world's most technologically advanced nation, and offensives there can have ramifications everywhere, so that leaves open great possibilities for cameos.

For as long as our people are held hostage by controllable socio-economic forces, we cannot afford to be indifferent to the ravages of poverty in all its dimensions and ramifications.

The 20s are like the stem cell of human development: the pluripotent moment when any of several outcomes is possible. Decisions and actions during this time have lasting ramifications.

I feel it's important to show that one thing that you do doesn't define you as a human being. It doesn't mean there aren't ramifications or you shouldn't pay for that but its not who you are.

In a crazy way, writing is a lot like any kind of very complex game - like chess, where you have the knowledge as you're composing all of the ramifications of each move, of each choice you make.

Whether it's threats to Medicare, cuts in education spending, or Internet privacy, the ramifications got young people out to vote and should be enough to keep them involved in our political system.

Obsession with the market seem to prevent ministers looking at the huge problem and all its ramifications in health, education and employment that come from the housing insecurity that too many face.

When we choose to have an abortion, we must do so understanding the full ramifications of what we are doing. Anything less feels to me to be hypocritical, a selfish abnegation of reality and responsibility.

I don't have a particular recommendation other than that we base decisions on as much hard data as possible. We need to carefully look at all the options and all their ramifications in making our decisions.

The only way President Obama and his cohorts could sell Obamacare was to conceal the law's true ramifications and convince those who were already content with their health insurance that they wouldn't be affected.

I spent so many years just saying what I felt without thinking about the ramifications, without understanding that I have this opinion but not everyone might share that opinion and now they don't like me because of it.

48 frames per second is something you have to get used to. I've got absolute belief and faith in 48 frames... it's something that could have ramifications for the entire industry. 'The Hobbit' really is the test of that.

The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.

Nighttime frequently increases alertness, and each mission should consider the ramifications of a night assault. Several of the most successful special operations were conducted in daytime and achieved a high degree of surprise.

You can complain about problems, and you can suffer from the ramifications of issues that are social in nature and impact you, but the best thing you can do is get off your couch, get out of your home and go do something about it.

Going to war against Iran - whether one calls such a move 'surgical' or 'total' - would be an extremely serious undertaking; with worldwide economic, military, diplomatic and human ramifications in both the short- and the long-term.

Everything I do, I try to think, 'Okay, what are the ramifications?' Like, with the clothes I wear, I prefer if it's grown organically, because cotton - which is what's used in most clothing - takes up 50 percent of all pesticide use.

The 2003 war in Iraq may be considered the greatest error in American policy since the Civil War. Its ramifications are earth-shattering and will impact us and our safety for generations. It may completely unravel the entire Middle East forever.

Do not go out first thing after signing a contract and buy assets that are huge compared to the contract signed. Just because you have money for the first time doesn't mean you have to spend it before you know all the ramifications of buying the assets.

Something that came as a shock to me is that we do not have a constitutional right to vote. And that's not just a fun little historical factoid. It actually has huge ramifications. It's the reason our system is so decentralized - in other words, chaotic.

Inner conflict is really fun to play because there's a lot going on, and the choices - when you've got a character with internal conflict - the choices you make have broader ramifications because they have inner ramifications and ramifications in the world.

Well, I think that abstinence has its place as part of a comprehensive health and sex education curriculum. It would be wrong to exclude abstinence from a health curriculum, because there are some potentially very serious ramifications for early sexual activity.

And when they do spin out of control there are important ramifications that affect America, not just its direct national interest but its broader interests as a nation which has thought of itself as a beacon to other nations, of freedom, liberty, democracy, whatever.

What do I want in a good fantasy book? Court politics and social interactions based around houses and cities. Powerful women and devious men. Drama and action with emotional ramifications. Frocks. Kissing. Swords. An intense impression of history in the world-building.

I like films that deal with some of those questions that you can never answer: 'Why are we here? What's it about? What happens to us with the choices that we make? What are the ramifications for doing something right, or doing something wrong?' Those universal questions, I enjoy.

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