Your life is big. Keep reaching.

When I’m reaching an audience, I feel it.

My misery is reaching epidemic proportions.

Never stop taking risks. Just keep reaching.

Reaching out takes nothing more than a smile.

Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.

Mastery is in the reaching, not in the arriving.

Balance is the secret of reaching the far places!

Reaching beyond where you are is really important.

Not suffering another existence is reaching the Way.

What are we doing here? We're reaching for the stars!

Love is reaching out to try to get to the other person.

Always sailing, sailing, sailing...never quite reaching.

All prayers and hopes are a reaching-out for coincidences.

The woman's vision is deep-reaching, the man's far-reaching.

The woman's vision is deep reaching, the man's far reaching.

Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.

After reaching 50, I began to wonder what the root of life is.

By reaching out, more comes back than you can possibly imagine.

I love my fans and have devoted my life to reaching out to them.

Science is really about individual experts reaching a consensus.

The short span of life forbids us to take on far-reaching hopes.

We are reaching deep within ourselves to adjust the master knob.

Never abandon your vision. Keep reaching to further your dreams.

If you don't feel you're reaching something new, then don't do it.

Happiness is not reaching your goal. Happiness is being on the way.

She was reaching the limits of how much its possible to change a man

I'm very practical. What I'm reaching for is individualism for women

Reaching 50, I've started to conjure up thoughts of my own mortality.

The theater is reaching as many different demographics as it can now.

I'm very practical. What I'm reaching for is individualism for women.

Everyone should fail in a big way at least once before reaching forty.

I want people to enjoy reaching out and making their dreams come true.

Success is not in reaching the destination, but in making the journey.

Failure isn't in not reaching your goal but in having no goal to reach.

True success is reaching our potential without compromising our values.

The transitional concept of management is reaching the end of the road.

Prometheus is reaching out for the stars with an empty grin on his face.

The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers.

I'm interested in reaching the masses with my work. It's one of my goals.

Poetry is a reaching out forward expression, an effort to find fulfillment

You've got no chance of reaching the top if you're just playing for money.

Building mental strength is the key to reaching our full potential in life.

Getting a reward for reaching certain sales targets is certainly attractive.

A true disciple shows his appreciation by reaching further than his teacher.

American churches work very hard at reaching out to people to bring them in.

We should be more concerned with reaching the lost than pampering the saved.

To reach people no one else is reaching we must do things no one else is doing

In terms of the history of a far reaching movement, 20 years is not that long.

With four perfectionists in the band, we have a hard time reaching perfection.

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