All recurring joy is pain refined.

A man of refined taste and judgment.

A refined sort of butcher, a woman is.

Success is a refined study of the obvious

The more refined one is, the more unhappy.

May be refined, and join the angelic train.

Friendship's a noble name, 'tis love refined.

Perestroika is nothing more than refined Stalinism.

Contentment is, after all, simply refined indolence.

Don't be defined by your failures, be refined by them.

Many refined people will not kill a fly, but eat an ox.

In moments of frustration one may not have refined comments.

Certainly I was relatively a refined person. No way a tramp.

She is not refined. She is not unrefined. She keeps a parrot

It's impossible to be refined when we don't know how to listen.

This Englishwoman is so refined, She has no bosom and no behind.

There are no people who are quite so vulgar as the over-refined.

Never to talk about oneself is a very refined form of hypocrisy.

Elegance of manner is the outgrowth of refined and exalted sense.

It seems unpleasantly refined to put things off till someone knows.

The more refined and subtle our minds, the more vulnerable they are.

How much savage coarseness is concealed in refined, cultivated manners.

I have some wonderful suits in my closet, a lovely car, some refined watches.

There are only Epicureans, either crude or refined; Christ was the most refined.

It is wise to apply the oil of refined politeness to the mechanism of friendship.

Why must we love the Lord? Because as we do so, we become refined, pure, and holy.

There is nothing more difficult than simplicity, and therefore, nothing more refined.

I was too prissy, too refined, too abstemious, too French to be a good American writer.

Men... are bettered and improved by trial, and refined out of broken hopes and blighted expectations.

Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character. We like to be around those who are grateful.

Over the course of those 12 episodes we discarded what didn't work and kept what did and that refined it.

A new society cannot be created by reproducing the repugnant past, however refined or enticingly repackaged.

The refined punishments of the spiritual mode are usually much more indecent and dangerous than a good smack.

Dark bread like rye or pumpernickel is much healthier than the refined white bread favored by many Americans.

He has only half learned the art of reading who has not added to it the more refined art of skipping and skimming.

Only the brave know how to forgive; it is the most refined and generous pitch of virtue human nature can arrive at.

The eye is the most refined of our senses, the one which communicates most directly with our mind, our consciousness.

I'm not refined, I'm raw and real and I wear what I want and I have always been so different and golf is not that way.

The more easily digestible and refined the carbohydrates, the greater the effect on our health, weight and well-being.

Audiences in the U.S. can sometimes be a lot less refined. If they like something, they tend to express it more loudly.

Ideas are refined and multiplied in the commerce of minds. In their splendor, images effect a very simple communion of souls.

I don't eat refined white sugar. If I want to eat something sweet it needs to be made with jaggery or honey, so no chemicals.

My art is based on impurity. You have to mix things from different refined cultures to get something raw, to make it go again.

One has the idea of a stupid man as perfectly healthy and ordinary, and of illness as making one refined and clever and unusual.

If there's one thing that we need to avoid, all of us - young, old - it's processed, refined sugar. There's nothing good about it.

Sir Rosevelt is a little more of a persona, and we dress up, three-piece Tom Ford suits, and it's a little more refined, visually.

Bad boys are classy and refined. For example, even though Donald Trump came from money and a privileged lifestyle, he's a man's man.

You see, I was born in the slums, that was before the ghetto. The ghetto was kind of refined; the slums was right there on the ground.

One always has the idea of a stupid man as perfectly healthy and ordinary, and of illness as making one refined and clever and unusual.

She was not quite what you would call refined. She was not quite what you would call unrefined. She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot.

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