Reggae is vile.

I listen to a lot of reggae.

I grew up with reggae music.

I've always been a huge reggae fan.

Reggae is my heart ♥ reggae is my soul

Reggae is a culture. It's easy, laid-back.

I find reggae is really nice in the morning.

The reggae fraternity is a small fraternity.

I want to do more R&B, more reggae, everything.

The song 'Gave It All Away' has a reggae sound.

We won't be in any reggae publications or websites.

I listen to rap, reggae, Nirvana and Guns N' Roses.

My parents are from Jamaica, and I love reggae music.

Dub and reggae... I play that a lot around the house.

Reggae music isn't Jewish, but a lot of the ideas are.

I'm an island boy, so I love my reggae and soca music.

Reggae is my heart since I was a kid. I love Reggae music.

I am not a dancehall artist, and I am not a reggae artist.

And there's some Latino music I like, and some reggae music.

I'm not a big reggae dude. I have maybe two other reggae albums.

My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die.

I could never settle down into a reggae band, that's too bizarre.

My sister listened to reggae, and my homies listened to trap music.

I'm definitely trying to incorporate a Caribbean and reggae element.

I love good rock'n'roll, blues and jazz, gospel, and a little reggae.

My father was interested in bringing reggae music to the entire world.

If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing.

When you scratch the soul of hip-hop, you find R&B and funk but also reggae.

I've been here before and will come again, but I'm not going this trip through.

Your Worst Enemy Could Be Your Best Friend && Your Best Friend Your Worst Enemy

If you listen to all my earlier stuff, it wasn't 'authentic reggae,' so to speak.

Younger people are discovering my work, even though my reggae is not like theirs.

My thing is to get people out of the stigma of what a reggae artist should be like.

I really like dancehall. I really like reggae. I'm a big fan. Bob Marley and all that.

I love a lot of reggae, but I've never had the opportunity to play with any reggae guys.

Music and fashion really do go hand in hand. This is even going back to the reggae days.

I grew up in a house full of music. Everything from reggae and afro-beat to Zook and pop.

This music is about struggle. Reggae is a vehicle to carry a message of freedom and peace.

Every time I plant a seed, He say kill it before it grow, he say kill it before they grow.

I don't have very sophisticated taste in music. I listen to a lot of folk music. I like reggae.

I love most melodic music - classical, reggae, big band, jazz, blues, country, pop, swing, folk.

I play a lot of hard, uncompromising dance music; it can be anything from dance to rock to reggae.

I've been listening to a lot of dance, hip-hop, drum-and-bass, reggae, R&B - very rhythmical music.

Puerto Rico got too futuristic with the electronic reggaeton. It lost the essence of the reggae music.

With my music, I don't have to stay in one lane. One day I'm in Motown, and the next day I'm in reggae.

In Hawaii, some of the biggest radio stations are reggae. The local bands are heavily influenced by Bob Marley.

I would rather be at Reggae Sunsplash, which happens once a year, than doing some horrible Brady Bunch reunion.

I'm a fan of all these genres of music, everything from Mumford & Sons to Beach Boys to doo-wop music to reggae.

At 15, saying I wanted to do a reggae album after growing up in a snazzy house in Houston - it was kind of random.

Most of the reggae awareness is still among music industry people and people who are already into all types of music.

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