The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger ...

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.

Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself ...

Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.

Remove failure as an option.

It's impossible to remove agendas.

Laws can discover sin, but not remove it

Remove the document—and you remove the man.

I pride myself on having a journalistic remove.

To kill the grass you must also remove the root

Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear.

Remove the fear, and the answer comes into focus.

Our key objective is to remove obstacles to trade.

I went in for an operation to remove a brain tumor.

When you remove layers, simplicity and speed happen.

Great leaders remove obstacles-including themselves.

Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

If we remove desire to be better, we become mediocre.

Merely slogans and statements will not remove poverty.

Don't push growth; remove the factors limiting growth.

Adversity removes the friends prosperity has harvested.

The need to remove Col. Qaddafi should be self-evident.

Familiarity with any great thing removes our awe of it.

Remove literary, grammatical and syntactical inhibition.

The authors of great evils know best how to remove them.

No, I don't want them to remove my scar. Scars are cool.

Invoking removes darkness and brings forth radiant lights.

To say I removes a false impression of a Jovian aloofness.

To remove ignorance is an important branch of benevolence.

Remove Christ from the Scriptures and there is nothing left.

The universe will always remove what is no longer serving you.

It is remove all the romance - all the mystery!

Use coconut oil to remove makeup, and do it before going to bed.

Sheikie the legend angry they remove wrestling from the Olympics.

VAR can remove injustices, but decisions need to be taken faster.

I want to remove the curtain of pretence from all of my characters.

The only way to remove pain from death is to remove love from life.

What we cannot bear removes us from life; what remains can be borne.

Natural selection will not remove ignorance from future generations.

My makeup is quite dense, so I have to remove makeup very thoroughly.

I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.

Don't be afraid to remove your shoes if you are dancing late at night.

It's time to remove the stigma associated with promoting homeownership.

Everywhere else, we are someone else, but at home, we remove our masks.

Remove idleness from the world and soon the arts of Cupid would perish.

If you remove enjoyment of God from faith in God, it ceases to be faith.

My one concession to American sensibilities was to remove my nail polish.

Energy, like the biblical grain of the mustard-seed, will remove mountains.

She wept for the hurt that he owned, a hurt she could never hope to remove.

When a woman removes her garment, she also removes the respect that is hers.

Patience cannot remove, but it can always dignify and alleviate, misfortune.

It's important to be transparent, to remove secrecy from issues of equality.

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