I want to open a restaurant.

The restaurant industry is brutal.

Working at a restaurant is a tough gig.

I don't get to cook in my own restaurant.

In the restaurant it's much more serious.

My parents own a restaurant in Albuquerque.

Every restaurant needs to have a point of view.

Today's restaurant is theater on a grand scale.

For Russian food, I like the Zhiguli restaurant.

Well, the first restaurant I worked in was Hooters.

I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee.

My first restaurant job was Knight of the Round Grill.

If a restaurant kitchen is your office, Nom is for you.

I have the restaurant, too. I serve Southwest, barbecue.

I'm not a TV guy. I'm a restaurant chef and a businessman.

If you have good food, people will come to your restaurant.

I opened a restaurant that had nothing but California wines.

I know, whoever visits my restaurant, they have loved the food.

I can't always go out to a restaurant and have a normal dinner.

Never eat at a Chinese restaurant named Mama Teresa's Trattoria.

I ended up wanting to be a cook and hold my own in a restaurant.

If I go to a restaurant, other people stare. The meal is ruined.

It's easier to be faithful to a restaurant than it is to a woman.

The hardest novel to write was Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant.

I tried paying at a restaurant with stock options. It didn't work.

The best meal at my restaurant is the whole right side of the menu.

You cannot come to a Nigerian restaurant without having pepper soup.

Nothing goes perfectly, especially when you're opening a restaurant.

If your mother cooks Italian food, why should you go to a restaurant?

If I wasn't an actress, I'd be a chef. I'd love to open a restaurant.

A Cannibal is a person who walks into a restaurant and orders a waiter.

I don't like it when I go to a restaurant and I'm lectured from the menu.

I would work as a cook, get a little money, then open another restaurant.

You would never see anyone go to a restaurant in Milan wearing a jumpsuit!

Everybody loves a deal on a restaurant or skydiving or laser-hair removal.

So I went to the Chinese restaurant and this duck came up to me with a red.

Being branded number one restaurant in the world is actually very humbling.

The C student starts a restaurant. The A student writes restaurant reviews.

I enjoy spending time at home or going out for a quiet meal in a restaurant.

I've known what it is to be hungry, but I always went right to a restaurant.

I have developed recipes that are diabetes-friendly for my restaurant menus.

I worked as a belly dancer at a Greek restaurant senior year in high school.

I had a restaurant in Georgia for a while, and I really miss feeding everybody.

When I go to the gas station or the restaurant, people still come up and say hi.

I grew up in the restaurant business, and that's always something I wanted to do.

I don't cook. I don't know anything about food. I've never reviewed a restaurant.

In the restaurant business, you learn quickly there's no margin in having enemies.

A child did approach me in a restaurant in Cornwall, but he thought I was Gandalf.

I wanted people to come to the restaurant and feel at home, so I put it in a house.

I've never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, 'We're full.'

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