Any business situation is restrictive.

I'm normally quite restrictive in the runs department.

Gandhi protested against restrictive policies. So did 'Guru.'

The Giving Pledge is not meant to be prescriptive or restrictive.

Nothing could be more restrictive than working with people in advertising.

I'm not a big believer in our copyright laws; I find them way too restrictive.

A covenant made with God should be regarded not as restrictive but as protective.

I had sort of given up on conventional journalism. I found it far too restrictive.

No one can say that there are no monopolistic or restrictive trade practices in India.

The Greens have never been on the ballot in Georgia because of restrictive ballot access laws.

The problem is you cannot have free global trade with highly restrictive, regulated domestic markets.

You can get fixed ideas, and it can get restrictive. So, I try to put myself in a precarious position.

Overly restrictive regulations not only stifle the private sector; they also ultimately hurt consumers.

According to the new ethics, virtue is not restrictive but expansive, a sentiment and even an intoxication.

A lot of people think a high armhole is restrictive, but it gives you total movement because it's cut right up to your arm.

A 'diet' is simply an individual's eating regimen: it doesn't have to mean the restrictive plan we've come to associate this word with.

I think it's restrictive to typecast myself as a novelist because I enjoy other forms of expression. I love literature and I love cinema.

Singing in Hindi is nice but restrictive. Regional languages are more rhythmic, have a different tone and sound, making it more interesting.

Of course I would like to be more famous. It offers more career possibilities. But then it can prove restrictive. Plus you get hassled when you go shopping.

The supply-side effect of a restrictive monetary policy is likely to be perverse, in that high interest rates enter into costs and thus exert inflationary pressure.

I have a short, home-made armguard because I don't like the regular ones. I'd wear that on a lively pitch. I don't use a chest guard because I find it too restrictive.

There's a great deal of tension between so many kind of distinctive and restrictive female archetypes and images in the world. When you play with the archetypes, you get free.

The government only makes restrictive rules, they don't show you what to do so you know, OK, here's where we need this many apartments, with open space, playgrounds, kindergartens.

People expect things from art that are horrible for us who make it! They put the things we make in these restrictive places called 'museums,' then don't want to hear another word from us.

With Klaxons I had an instrument, so I had a job to play keys. Everyone's roles get defined early in bands, so you're 'that guy who does this one thing' and it felt too restrictive doing that.

A hotel is so restrictive. You haven't got your own space. Yes you get the food, yes you get everything all clean and blah, blah - but sometimes it's nice to have your own space with the your family.

The overly engineered, overly regulated market that Obamacare created resulted in restrictive health care plans that provide little choice, and coverage that is far too costly for what the plans offer.

Access to high-quality education is way too limited. The United States has the world's most admirable higher education system, and yet it is very restrictive. It's so hard to get into. I never got into it as a student.

Americans are tired of fad diets, counting calories, and living within restrictive guidelines about carbs and fat. They are turning to Mireille Guiliano for her sensible and admittedly contrarian advice on eating well.

I believe we are nearing a time when a combination of technology and radical thinking will make it possible for much more intensive and restrictive conditions to be applied in more creative and fundamental ways outside of prison.

That means following a very restrictive fiscal and monetary policy which will squeeze the monopolies and cut their subsidies. On the micro level we will allow other economic agents, both domestic and foreign, to compete with them.

You know, how much order is good? And when does order become too restrictive? Is a little bit of chaos okay, or is chaos always an evil force? I mean, these are questions that any kid who's ever been in a school cafeteria can relate to.

When the actual Bitcoin network launched in 2009, no one knew about it, and many of those who did thought it would surely fail. Just to make sure the thing worked, the scripting language in Bitcoin was intentionally extremely restrictive.

In my own home, where I've been able to create an environment that works for me, I'm hardly disabled at all. I still have an impairment, and there are obviously some very restrictive things about that, but the impact of disability is less.

Things like engine technology used to be hugely restrictive. You couldn't have more than one baddie on screen, you couldn't have more than three arrows firing at once. Now, you can say, 'I want 20 monsters, and 30 weapons,' and there isn't a technical string attached.

I'm at this point in my career where I'm trying to step away from the realm of fine arts, because I think it's a very exclusive, very restrictive place to be. What I want to be able to do is to change the lives of people with the same materials they deal with every day.

I rarely tweet unless I'm talking about 'The Bachelor.' I have a love/hate relationship with Instagram, though - it's like a rigid parent. It's much more restrictive with what can be posted, but you can write a full paragraph, post a video - it changes the game a little bit.

I just find the evangelical church too, well, restrictive. But the School of Practical Philosophy is nonconfrontational. We believe there are many forms of Scripture. What is true is true and will never change, whether it's in the Bible or in Shakespeare. It's about oneness.

Copyright and Trademark are completely different things. Copyright prevents anyone from copying this article and posting it somewhere else. Copyright happens instantaneously the moment I write something down that is unique and from my brain. Trademarks are far more restrictive.

The studio is spending great amounts of money, and they want some insurance they will get money back. They go for the middle of the road, broad in appeal. It's restrictive. It's a constant struggle, but if you give in, you're just making cottage cheese, and that's the end of it.

The 1890s was a decade when life began to change in urban America. Modern conveniences that we now take for granted came into use; women's roles became less restrictive; and San Francisco, a port city with influences from all over the world, was a lively place in which to reside.

I didn't grow up in one of those restrictive Christian households where you couldn't do this or that. We were brought up with a great collection of good morals and good values, but we also had fun. We'd go to church on Sunday, but then have ice cream, roller skate or play in the park afterwards.

I eat three home-cooked meals a day, all prepared in advance. My ethos is to stay away from unsustainable low-calorie diets and aim for something balanced: loads of veg, protein and enjoy the carbs you love. Be realistic. I don't count sugar or salt or grams of fat: it's very restrictive and unenjoyable.

I think if I ever stopped pushing myself, I would revert quickly to quite repetitive, restrictive behaviour. But in pushing myself and concentrating on what I can do, I think I can contribute to society. And that gives me the desire to keep pushing, to see what I'm capable of. The thing to do is not to stop.

The overarching conventional wisdom - what everyone from government experts to my French girlfriends take as articles of faith - is that restrictive diets generally don't make you healthier or slimmer. Instead, it's best to eat a variety of high-quality foods in moderation and pay attention to whether you're hungry.

I think it's very important to be mindful of your body and actually listen to it. If I'm craving a certain kind of food, I'll have, but I notice when I'm full. It's kind of like a logical diet. I think when people go on restrictive diets, they put too much stress on themselves, which might make them prone to bingeing.

I'm the same kid who used to hop the trains with headphones and just go to downtown Manhattan, walk around and listen to music or walk through the city. The fame restricts that. It's a small complaint in comparison to the benefits I get from it, but the restrictive part is what I don't like - and the fact that it's not reversible.

Often, when you're in some of these writing rooms for... and the most restrictive is network television, right? They say, 'Wow, that's a great joke, but we can't do that. Okay, let's try the second joke. Oh, you can't do that one. But the third joke you can do,' and hopefully it will be great, but it will remind people of what the joke really was.

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