Zeppelin vinyl is quite revered in audiophile circles.

Xbox is one of the most revered, loved brands in games.

Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.

In blues, classical and jazz, you get more revered with age.

Respected, I almost want to be revered, that's what I'm chasing.

I want to be revered. I want to be an elder; I want to be an elderess.

Whatever it is that can help to bring God close is something to be revered.

I may be revered or defamed and decried; But I tried to live my life right.

'8 Mile' is so revered, it's like, everywhere I go, somebody's talking about it.

Without question Gibson guitars are the finest, most revered guitars on the planet.

A lot of people are intimated by art, but it's something to be revered beyond criticism.

I just do what I do. It's not something that should be revered as something that's great.

Pope John Paul, a man of peace and compassion, was one of the most revered leaders of our time.

Ukraine must once again be revered and respected by its citizens as well as the East and the West.

I have revered Mandy Moore for so long, and I just love her, and she's just, like, a perfect human.

Men tend to fall in love when they feel like they are cherished or revered as the 'man' in the relationship.

For decades, technology entrepreneurship has been revered, and people like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk were heroes.

Karzzz is my way' of paying homage to the mesmerising cinema of '80s, to Subhash Ghai's revered cult film 'Karz.'

Ronald Reagan would never go into the Oval Office without his jacket on - that's how much he revered the presidency.

The concept that an artist would be revered by popular culture is an immediate dismissal of his relevance as an artist.

In Milan, I'm treated with the respect that doctors receive in America. It's wonderful living where artists are revered.

My most revered hero is Robert Johnson. His lyrics are so consistent with rap: the danger, the boldness, the creativity.

As a kid, you don't have a ton of spaces where you are honored, where what you think is honored and what you say is revered.

The best students come from homes where education is revered: where there are books, and children see their parents reading them.

All women deserve a dignified and respectful workplace in which talent, hard work and loyalty are recognized, revered, and rewarded.

You can be revered for all sorts of qualities, but to be truly charismatic is rare. Elizabeth Taylor was, for me, one of those rarities.

In the time of the sacred sites and the crashing of ecosystems and worlds, it may be worth not making a commodity out of all that is revered.

I can work with both the old, revered filmmakers and new directors. It is amazing how they see me in their world, and then I adapt accordingly.

Even the most radical Islamic terrorist would not want to see the revered holy city of Medina go up. It would be like losing the Vatican in Rome.

If I had been around when Rubens was painting, I would have been revered as a fabulous model. Kate Moss? Well, she would have been the paintbrush.

In our generation, the role models were Gandhi and Nehru. We revered them. They were venerated personalities. I read almost every speech of Nehru.

The traditions of a nation are very important and the anthem written by Francis Scott Key in the early days of our nation should always be revered.

Now, forty years after his passing, Winston Churchill is still quoted, read, revered, and referred to as much, if not more, than when he was alive.

In the past, art was admired and revered from afar. Today, there is more of an interactive relationship between the art and the person who admires it.

I believe that loyalty is a cardinal virtue. Nowhere in the world is loyalty so little revered and tittle-tattle so greatly venerated as in Washington.

In Hollywood, she's revered, she gets nominated for Oscars, but I've never heard anyone in the public or among my friends say, 'Oh, I love Winona Ryder.'

Used to be, conservatives revered the Average American, that Norman Rockwell oil painting of diner food, humble faith, honest toil, and Capraesque virtue.

In 1905, I was privileged to be given a place in the private laboratory of my revered teacher, Professor W. H. Perkin, Jr. at the University of Manchester.

I long for the days when athletes were revered. I want to see the romance return to sports, to see people enjoy the game purely for the game and the players.

You know, in playing a role like this, you really want to get it right, because this is a person who was revered by so many doctors, women doctors especially.

I've always felt that, although Truffaut was greatly revered and admired, at the same time, in terms of film and how much he loved film, he was underestimated.

I had my issues with the Kardashians, absolutely. I think there's so much wrong with how they are the most revered family in the country, but they are, nevertheless.

We are in the entertainment business. This should be fun. We are musicians; we don't save lives. We shouldn't... we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously or be revered that much.

Art is a habit-forming drug. Art has absolutely no existence as veracity, as truth. People always speak of it with this great, religious reverence, but why should it be so revered?

The title 'Spirited Away' could refer to what Disney has done on a corporate level to the revered Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki's epic and marvelous new anime fantasy.

Mrs. Parks was a shy, soft spoken woman who was uncomfortable being revered as a symbol of the civil rights movement. She only hoped to inspire young people to achieve great things.

While Paul Simon is revered, I don't think people get how deep he is. I love the guy. He comes from that early street-harmony, first-generation type of rock and rollers. He gets it.

I grew up in a household that revered building businesses. It wasn't thinking about leadership; it was more about building something. To build something, you ultimately have to lead.

I was totally dominated and revered my father. I admired everything he did. He was a great sports person. He loved me. I was his only boy at that time, before my brother Billy came along.

I found out about Jonathan Winters' death a day after it happened. That seems wrong. A talent like his should be more revered. The world knew about Kim Kardashian's divorce before she did.

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