I love rice and pasta.

I'm a curry and rice girl.

I am a Bengali, I like my rice.

Me, sexy? I'm just plain ol' beans and rice.

Jerry Rice, he's one of the best to ever do it.

Luckily, I don't have a sweet tooth nor I eat rice.

I always try to be healthy - brown rice, brown pasta.

Running hills, I try to follow the Jerry Rice routine.

I love Indian food, and my favourite dish is dal rice.

The cornerstone of every Persian meal is rice, or polo.

Condi Rice talks tough but she cannot be tough herself.

I don't believe in dieting. But I don't eat rice at all.

I like Rice Krispie treats. I like Skittles and Snickers.

I eat chicken and rice, steak, and baked potato. That's it.

Sipping once, sipping twice, sipping chicken soup with rice.

My relationship with my sister is closer than white on rice.

I was a huge fan of Damien Rice - and I am a huge fan still!

I love food, and I love carbs: Pasta, rice - that's my thing.

I like beans. Lentils are beans, right? I love beans and rice.

She's been married so many times she has rice marks on her face.

Peace is achieved with rice and salt, not with katanas and arrows

What's this about rice milk? I didn't even know rice had nipples!

In Japanese, sushi does not mean raw fish. It means seasoned rice.

Susan Rice has as much trouble with her memory as Hillary Clinton.

Give me rice, dal and some aachar any day, or a Spaghetti Bolognese.

I love all sorts of music. I'm really into Damian Rice and Amos Lee.

I have read every book in the 'Dune' series and every Anne Rice book.

Nothing important has ever come out of San Francisco, Rice-a-Roni aside.

I love quinoa. It's great, it cooks like rice and is better than caviar.

Personally, I enjoy a bowl of brown rice for breakfast most of the time.

If I'm in the 'hood, I like Chef Creole's Haitian rice and stewed chicken.

Rice cakes and peanut butter is my favorite snack in the whole wide world.

Eating rice cakes is like chewing on a foam coffee cup, only less filling.

Hard to be a physics major at Rice University if you have flunked calculus.

Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's attention.

Edgar Rice Burroughs taught me pace and gave me a sense of action and adventure.

Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.

Men had suddenly become a scarce commodity, if not quite as sought after as rice.

White rice, not traditionally healthy, is easier on my tummy and lets me eat more.

I'm stronger knowing that while Donna Rice could be sold, she could not be bought.

I'm stronger knowing that while Donna Rice could be sold, she could not be bought.

The first record I bought was actually Booker T and the MG's 'Red Beans and Rice.'

Cruising on the old rice boats in Kerala, southern India, with my wife was amazing.

As an undergraduate I majored in British and American literature at Rice University.

If people are working only rice and beans for much of their diet, it says something.

For me, Hyderabad was all about summer holidays, rasam rice, spicy pickles, and more.

I need to give a special mention to Declan Rice, I think he's going to go to the top.

Rice at present prices provides more food for the money than most of the other cereals.

I love the producer, Joel Rice. We worked together years ago putting a project together.

By the second tour I had rice cakes and hummus with me, and I was jumping rope in my room.

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