I never took the easy route.

Route running is an art, not a science.

PCs will go the cell-phone subsidy route.

I appreciate the route God put me through.

I have never wanted to take an easy route.

Whatever play is called, I go run the route.

I had a paper route at eight years old in Harlem.

Sometimes, the easiest route is not the best route.

I definitely want to go the route of feature films.

Football was the best route to obtain my independence.

My songs are a direct route into my brain and my heart.

As an actor, I do not want to stick to a particular route.

I know people in gangs; I could have went down that route.

LT was just a wilder person. I don't go that route no more.

The best route is to stay humble and stay true to yourself.

I bloody love transport and plotting a route through London.

That's something you work on Day 1. You never stop your route.

We take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.

I still like to play songs from my Silk Route days at concerts.

I've never taken the easy route. I don't even know what that is!

For Silk Route, my album 'Dooba Dooba' was a resounding success.

I'm going to take whatever route I can take to win a world title.

I took an incredibly roundabout route getting into feature films.

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.

I love the film route and I'm gong to try my hardest to stay on it.

I think the majority of people will always take the easy route first.

I've turned down soap and deodorant commercials - it wasn't my route.

Persevere. That's what I always say to people. There's no easy route.

You worked your paper route, mowed the lawn, then played golf all day.

There is no well-trodden route to where I am, no formula to replicate.

I don't know about the romantic comedy route, although never say never.

My career has been a bit strange. I don't think it took the normal route.

Social media stars are kind of taking the traditional route, like movies.

I came up different; I took a different route. I want to lead my own path.

I used to watch a programme about Route 66 in America, and it looked so fun.

I'd dreamt of playing professionally since I was 15, that's the route I took.

I pulled cotton at 6 years old and worked on the peanut farm and paper route.

I didn't take the money route because I saw my parents struggle for survival.

If you do magic, it's the quickest most fraudulent route to impressing people.

I am that weirdo that chooses the difficult route down the side of the street.

It was a no-brainer that the cellular route would be a great success in Africa.

When someone did a route, I was always able to emulate exactly how they did it.

Generosity is a virtue, but unlimited generosity is a fast route to bankruptcy.

I worked also, doing things such as our paper route and, later on, waitressing.

I was always that girl who loved music and thought of music as an escape route.

I took a route of acting, rather than starmaking, so it cost me a lot financially.

My route so far through life hasn't been particularly logical, or even thought out.

Nobody wants to be a lawyer - it's hard work. But it was kind of my academic route.

If you know your destination, choosing a route - while not trivial - is manageable.

When I was on 'EastEnders,' I still had a paper route until I was 21 and left home.

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