I do Skid Row every night.

Government should steer, not row.

I was put on death row because of hate.

One of my friends is Snake from Skid Row.

In death row every rule in society is flipped.

If you believe in God, believe in Death Row East.

A lot of sad stories in a row - that wears on you.

Skid Row would probably be my favorite Jersey band.

The goal of winning is not losing two times in a row.

I grew up with a front row seat to the American dream.

I won an ASCAP award two years in a row - that was sick.

I thought I would go win 100 in a row with 100 knockouts.

Have I felt misunderstood by Music Row at times? Of course.

Of all the artists on Death Row, none of them went bankrupt.

To defend - it is very difficult to win two titles in a row.

I usually work, like, 27 days in a row and then take one off.

Being on death row has taken so much from me as a human being.

Those folks at Death Row were the Rolling Stones of their time.

I went to sleep away camp seven years in a row. I was such a pro.

Folks, I've been straight for seventeen days... Not all in a row.

I watched R.E.M. connect with the back row of a 50,000-seat venue.

You don't make it to the Final Four two years in a row by mistake.

I'd done three solo albums in a row, and that's quite narcissistic.

I spent 30 years on Alabama's death row for a crime I did not commit.

People don't want to hear the same song 12 times in a row on an album.

I could string together 15 wins in a row and still not get a title shot.

Early on, I had five jobs in a row where I was either fired or canceled.

I can't see myself singing the same song twice in a row. That's terrible.

Darryl Strawberry has been voted to the Hall of Fame five years in a row.

If you say three things in a row that make sense, people will vote for you.

Music Row gets dragged through the dirt, but they're just trying to survive.

I am a person who holds the aesthetic high. I have suits made in Savile Row.

To be successful, you need results in a row. You can't win, lose, win, lose.

Death row saved my life. It taught me everything is a luxury to be treasured.

What I have to do to make sure I don't lose some games in a row; I don't know.

I can't even carpe 15 minutes in a row. So a whole diem is out of the question.

It is not normal that one team dominates for 20 years in a row as the champion.

Everybody that played a part in sending me to death row, you will answer to God.

My 15 years of freedom have been harder than all of my death row years combined.

I like babies, but not in the front row. I don't want to sing directly to a baby.

After one party loses two elections in a row, there's sort of blood in the water.

I went to the gym 4 days in a row in January of 2016. That's the last time I went.

If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead.

If you miss 10 in a row, you have to believe the next 10 are going to fall for you.

Real Madrid will be the first team to claim two Champions League trophies in a row.

I think voters appreciate that I'm not sitting in the back row, waiting for my turn.

When you are winning games in a row, normally what the people say about you is good.

If you win one fight in the UFC, you're good. If you win two in a row, you're great.

When someone has 100 international games more or less in a row then that's top class.

Death row prisoners face enormous challenges in finding lawyers who will assist them.

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