The Royals work very hard.

The Kennedys are our royals.

I want to be a guy the Royals build their team around.

Celebrities choose fame. Royals have it thrust on them.

I really like Kansas City Royals stadium - Kauffman Stadium.

The battle royals are usually among my least favorite matches.

Public disapproval is the price I pay for writing about the royals.

Managing the Royals is a job for a man playing without a full deck.

Look, here's the deal: The Chiefs' fate and the Royals' fate, that's my fate.

I'll always be forever tied to the Royals organization and the community there.

If you look back 600 years ago, royals' sole goal was to keep their wealth within the family.

There are many reasons for the decline in royal esteem. One is that so many of the royals are thick.

If you're playing for the Kansas City Royals about all you can do is beat your head against the wall.

'The Royals' has emerged as a breakout series that has become one of E Network's highest rated shows.

It's funny - Americans are the colonials who ran away from the royals, and yet we're fascinated by them.

When Lady Diana Spencer first visited Balmoral, aged 19, she charmed all the Royals and the Queen especially.

Growing up in England, of course you do absorb certain ways the royals wave their hands and carry themselves.

The royals - all of them, especially Prince Philip and Prince Charles - have done outstanding work with the faith communities.

I think, generally, British people are more culturally cynical about the things that involve our own country. Especially the royals.

Royals are always very clear about where they're moving, because they've been told by protection officers exactly what they're doing.

I've been very obsessed with 'The Royals.' It's not going to win any Oscars or Golden Globes or whatever, but I really, really enjoy it.

An M.P. once suggested I be put in the Tower of London for saying derogatory things about the royals. There's no First Amendment in my country.

I was happy to be in England because my mother had always loved the royals, and so do I. My mother had every memento you could find on the Queen.

I'm a Kansas City kid, so I love my Royals and Chiefs. I went to the University of Kansas, so I love the Jayhawks. But I live in L.A., so I'm a fan of the Dodgers.

Hats are for life's ultimate moments. They're worn at races, at weddings. Occasions many of us, who aren't royals and celebrities, only attend once or twice in a lifetime.

Although I train hard with England and Rajasthan Royals, when I am at home in London I always like to join some group fitness classes and experiment with new workout ideas.

We know all about actors and singers because they do interviews, but with the royals, everything's so tightly controlled. They live this strange reality behind closed doors.

Kenya has deep resonances for the royals: it was here, after all, that the young Princess Elizabeth heard of the death of her father, George VI. From that moment, she was Queen.

The impulsivity of M. B. S. has been a consistent theme - from the war in Yemen to the wave of arrests of constructive critics, royals, and senior officials accused of corruption.

I spent a majority of my life in Kansas City, so I am a Chiefs and Royals guy. I used to work for the Royals for like five years in the suites department and in the stadium club restaurant.

Baseball and its 162-game schedule are challenging enough, but try winning the world series of dugout poker with cards supplied by Royals owner David Glass, the Wal-Mart-trained billionaire.

Baseball died in K.C. - and other small markets - in 1994 when Bud Selig and the players' union stopped the season one week after the Hal McRae-led Royals completed a 14-game winning streak.

Baseball's Opening Day is full of time-honored traditions: the President throws out the first ball, the Cubs' starting pitcher walks away with a 54.00 ERA, the Royals get mathematically eliminated from the pennant race.

My maternal grandmother, Penelope, was a very big figure in my life. She was a child of the Raj, born in India, a debutante who hobnobbed with royals, then married a Canadian, Bill Aitken, who became MP for Bury St Edmunds.

I think pop music is in such an exciting place right now, and I do kind of credit that to Lorde with 'Royals.' I think that song changed everything in the pop scene. All of the sudden, alternative pop music became pop music.

I lived in New York for 10 years; I followed the Rangers. Now I live in L.A. I want to adopt a team. I'm always going to be a Kansas City Chiefs and Royals fan. I want to adopt a team in a new town, so I've adopted the Kings.

True story: In the spring, my first in K.C., I'd written a series of columns in the Star demanding the Royals front office give fans discounted prices at concession stands as an apology for the 1994 strike. The Royals acquiesced.

Of course we have Queen Elizabeth as head of state, but in many ways we are a kind of republic. We don't have royals in Australia, so it was kind of unusual to run into those kind of people. But aside from that it was quite ordinary.

There's a very delicate but important contract that a Royal has with the British public and it's this: Most people don't mind paying for the Royals as long as those Royals live a miserable, thwarted existence full of horrible compromise.

By the way, if you ever watch Prince Harry on a panel or giving a talk, you can tell that as royals go, he's comparatively normal, and I think that's largely because he had a workplace experience with people with radically different social backgrounds.

There is a wall of myth around royals and A-list celebrities, and that makes us wonder what they are really like. We see them on magazine covers so often that we think we know them intimately, and we want to learn more. I like to burst that bubble a little.

I've written on public matters, but I don't understand how anyone could tout me as a possible poet laureate when I wrote a poem on the abdication of King Charles III or about the sex life of the Royals... anybody who knew my work would know I'm not a contender.

Well I'm a very similar age to Prince Charles. I'm a year older than him. I was at university at the same time as him. I think in the sixties, like all the Royals, he really had very little impact on my life at all and he seemed, if anything a lot older in his attitudes.

I think there's a culture in Rajasthan Royals that has been there before I got here, so I've come into it. I've enjoyed being part of it and embraced it. They are quite clear about the fact that bottom lines are important, and there is a certain limit on what you can spend.

I think what we have going in the Casino Battle Royale is going to show people an exciting, different take on the traditional battle royal format, different than what anybody has done. It's not going to be two hours of battle royals. It's going to be really, really action-packed.

When I was trying to come up with a stage name, I thought 'Lord' was super rad, but really masculine - ever since I was a little kid, I have been really into royals and aristocracy. So to make Lord more feminine, I just put an 'e' on the end! Some people think it's religious, but it's not.

I am unable to watch the Olympics due to the blustering jingoism that drenches the event. Has England ever been quite so foul with patriotism? The 'dazzling royals' have, quite naturally, hi-jacked the Olympics for their own empirical needs, and no oppositional voice is allowed in the free press.

It's very nice to be asked to anybody's wedding. Particularly if it's the Prince of Wales. I learned a lot from it, which was to end early and get away. I suppose one would have to look back historically and see who other royals had at their weddings. Were there people at Queen Elizabeth's wedding who were common like myself?

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