I enjoy sacrificing myself for my teammates.

I just try to keep it fresh without sacrificing funny.

Sacrificing high quality for speed, it just isn't worth it.

There's sacrificing for your art, and then there's just being dumb.

I just don't think any job is worth sacrificing your private life for.

For me, sacrificing Israeli democracy is not something I can agree to.

Humanitarianism consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose.

It is sad to see a woman sacrificing the ties of the affections even to do good.

The trick to balance is to not make sacrificing important things become the norm.

There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made.

The old approach of sacrificing the needs of one group to benefit another just won't work.

With existing technology, we can enforce airport security without sacrificing our personal privacy.

I've always been about the balance - not sacrificing one thing for the other and not being an extremist.

Gold medals are made out of your sweat, blood and tears, and effort in the gym every day, and sacrificing a lot.

In cyberspace, it is becoming increasingly difficult to uphold security for one's own country by sacrificing that of others.

I believe God gave me talent to play this game, and I'd be sacrificing those gifts if I didn't give my best every single day.

It is overwhelmingly women who will plug the gaps in care provision, sacrificing paid employment to look after family members.

I like nothing more than a character sacrificing himself or herself for the sake of others. That's drama at its finest for me.

Our veterans have already given everything they have to support and defend our nation - some of them sacrificing life and limb.

Always focus on the music first. That's the big thing. Staying true to making good music and not sacrificing that for anything.

The struggle against radical Islam should be a joint struggle, and everyone should say, 'There - we are sacrificing something.'

I'm working hard. I'm putting in the hard work. I'm sacrificing. I ain't asking for no handouts. I'm going to earn everything I'm given.

I am not a foodie so the idea of sacrificing a few things doesn't bother me. I can go on without eating as long as I don't suffer from acidity.

Usually, in romantic comedies, you end up sacrificing a great deal of the complexity - you know, just two attractive people and a good soundtrack.

The real artist has no idea that he is sacrificing himself for art. He does what he does for one reason and one reason only-he can't help doing it.

What made me move up to welterweight was all the effort I was doing, to look at my health and have a good life. I wanted to stop sacrificing so much.

Many schools today are sacrificing social studies, the arts and physical education so children can cover basic subjects like math, English and science.

The temple of Ceres should be in a solitary spot out of the city, to which the public are not necessarily led but for the purpose of sacrificing to her.

You've got to believe in your damn self and do the damn thing, so I'm a big believer in self-belief, man, and going out there and working hard and sacrificing.

I support adjustments designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of regulation without sacrificing safety and soundness or undermining macroprudential goals.

I've been sacrificing my life for my work for 30 years, and now I want it the other way around. I want to find work that fits into my life and that would be based here.

Sacrificing American soldiers or innocent civilians in an unprecedented preemptive attack on a separate sovereign nation may well prove itself a most temporary medicine.

If it came to saving the life of one priest or sacrificing the life of an entire congregation, the church would save the life of the priest. Which is backwards, of course.

People think actresses have fame and money, but they are not aware of the difficulties we undergo. People should understand that we are sacrificing so much for our survival.

I do think that my Indian classical audiences thought I was sacrificing them through working with George; I became known as the 'fifth Beatle.' In India, they thought I was mad.

I try to keep my ear to the streets without sacrificing who I am as an artist. If a song needs a drum machine I'll use a drum machine. If it needs a drummer, I'll use a real drummer.

When your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism.

There's always going to be a ball up in the air, and what I try to do is make sure that ball is never the kids. If that means sacrificing a social event or having fewer work commitments, it's worth it.

The eternal God - the infinite Jehovah - has done all he could do - even to the sacrificing his own Son - to provide a way for man's happiness, and yet they reject him, hate him, and laugh him to scorn!

People know if you care about them. How do you show people that you care? By caring for them. By putting their needs first. By sacrificing for them. By serving them. Do that, and you'll build a great team.

Sacrificing British liberties will not protect us. It just plays into the hands of the terrorists. The justice system is not the problem. It is part of the solution. We can fight terror - and defend freedom.

We can all be proud of our men and women in the military who are following their orders, carrying out their missions and sacrificing so much to give the Iraqi people a chance for a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Before Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949, there was the same sort of talk of young men sacrificing their lives so that a country might grow - that somehow it had been a great nation-building success for Newfoundland.

As leakers take great risks in releasing information, assuring them that they are not sacrificing themselves in vain and that their leaks would have public consequences would most likely encourage more people to leak.

When I was young and less wise, I thought that being a feminist meant being independent. It meant not sacrificing your needs for anyone else's and not relying on anyone else for even a smidgen of your happiness or well being.

Labour must evince a positive vision for the future of our country outside the E.U. One that is consistent with the leave voters' objectives, without sacrificing our rights and protections, as the Conservatives threaten to do.

I want to tell mayors, county chiefs and heads of big companies: don't just chase GDP growth; don't chase the biggest profits at the expense of our children and grandchildren and at the cost of sacrificing our ecological environment.

What helps luck is a habit of watching for opportunities, of having a patient but restless mind, of sacrificing one's ease or vanity, or uniting a love of detail to foresight, and of passing through hard times bravely and cheerfully.

I have always known that I wanted to be a singer and I knew that meant sacrificing some things for my dream. When I am home I hang out with my friends and go to dances, so I try and partake in some of the activities that I miss out on.

When you're rich and famous you are the dominant force in a relationship, even if you try hard not to be. I've talked of sacrificing everything for Fleetwood Mac, but I realize now that it is simply the only thing I've ever wanted to do.

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