I like to go to a Korean salon.

I love salon days to pamper myself, do my nails.

I haven't frequented a nail salon in a long time.

You are a black goddess when you come out the salon.

I liked to hang around my mom's beauty salon, watching her do hair.

I just thought I would work in a hair salon and do community theater.

I don't speak Punjabi. My dad runs a beauty salon and is an Elvis fan.

Best wine if you're stranded on a deserted island? 1982 Salon Champagne.

I don't know why, but women in a hair salon share their deepest secrets.

Not every woman has time to go to a salon and have her hair blow-dried every day.

I had not starred in an independent film and it's about a woman who owned a hair salon.

I have no regrets about launching Salon. For the life of me, I can't imagine doing anything else.

I love going to the hair salon. I'm Spanish. I think it's more of a Latina thing to go to the hair salon.

My parents owned a hair salon, so I learned a few tricks there. I can cut people's hair - if they let me.

I have nothing but the highest regard for 'Salon' and its commitment to independent and provocative journalism.

There is nothing better than leaving a salon with freshly cut hair, swishing it about proudly all the way home.

I've realized that I can never not do the nail salon joke, and I will have to talk about Bon Qui Qui for eternity.

My appearance when I show up at the salon after washing my hair and going to bed the night before is my true self.

I don't like anything too perfect, or anyone who looks like they have just stepped out of a salon; that's not for me.

In 1997, I decided to open a salon in Beverly Hills. At that time there were no products for eyebrows, so I developed a line.

I never make a trip to the United States without visiting a supermarket. To me they are more fascinating than any fashion salon.

One of the wonderful things about Internet is it's like a salon. It brings people together from different intellectual walks of life.

One of the first jokes I wrote was this nail salon bit that ended up blowing up on YouTube. That's kind of what propelled me into standup.

There were so many pretty girls coming into the salon as clients, and others working in the salon. And I thought, 'Hmm. This is rather nice.'

Even when influential political and media figures vehemently complained about the criticisms I wrote, Salon's editors unfailingly stood behind my work.

Someone with a figure like Jennifer Aniston has a trainer, a cook spinning out some version of the latest diet, and probably a stop at the tanning salon.

I've always wanted to model and act. My first break came to me when I was at a parlour to get a haircut. The salon owner asked me if I would model for them.

For some people, showing up at a bridal salon without a ring or a groom might appear bizarre and quite unusual--but for me, it's a regular Tuesday afternoon.

I used to have long hair and get it done every two weeks, and it was never worth it to me. I would just walk out of the salon and put it in a ponytail anyway.

The first time I cut all my hair off was when I was 19. I just got fed up going to the salon every week. I'd had enough! On a whim, it was off. It's low-maintenance.

I have a mother who never took no for an answer when it came to her creative pursuits. She started a hair salon in her spare bedroom and four years later had 30 employees.

I founded a club, which is called the Brutally Early Club. It's basically a breakfast salon for the 21st century where art meets science meets architecture meets literature.

My first race was '99/2000. At that time, I was at 'Salon,' and I was basically their campaign reporter, so I would just jump around from race to race, candidate to candidate.

I still go to a salon where a gal does my hair, and I don't know if it's because I'm a celebrity but by the time I leave there, we are eating chicken and talking and screaming.

When I owned a hair salon back in Houston, I did a lot of makeovers. Women would come in for a new hairstyle and go out with a whole new look. I know what looks good on a woman.

I never really thought about acting when I was little; I was just getting a haircut at a salon when I was 10, and a woman approached my mom about putting me forward for an audition!

I have enormous respect for Steve Johnson, and as I've told him, Feed was one of the inspirations for Salon. They were up there before we were. And also for Joey and the Suck people.

Make no mistake, most women are well aware that they've never had it so good; when they enter a spa or salon, it is purely a hair/nails thing, a prelude to an evening of guilt-free fun.

I was a stylist behind the chair for over 20 years. then a salon owner and migrated into hair product manufacturing. I've pretty much lived and breathed hair in many different phases in my life.

Being blonde, for me, means never having to say: 'I'll have the honey-striped half-head of highlights for £200,' to a bored colourist in a Mayfair salon, which is much more satisfying, not to mention cheap.

On the other hand, we raised $25 million by going public. It's that money that we used to build this company, to build the circulation, to build a high profile and to hire staff that made Salon what it is today.

Working in a salon, you look at trends all day long. You're looking at color all the time, what new products are coming out. You're a part of the fashion industry, especially if you're working in a higher-end salon.

When I was in Milwaukee, I would go into this sneaker shop near my mom's salon and chop it up with the older heads about music. At school, I would make drum noises on the table so much that I would always get suspended.

When I started in the press there were really ink-stained wretches. Not everybody went to college. Now, everybody at the New York Times and the Washington Post and Salon and Slate, most of them have Ivy League educations.

I think there is a difference between Slate and Salon. I think we both serve important functions on the Internet. As more and more Websites disappear, I'm thankful Slate is still around because it makes things less lonely.

The only reason I left the salon was really to chase these dreams of either being an MTV host or a travel host. I loved the idea of doing something fun and interesting for a living, and that is what got me over to Malaysia.

I once had a friend who did the hair for sci-fi movies, and after a particularly bad break-up I stupidly went to her salon and told her she could do anything she liked. She dyed the bottom cherry red and the top peroxide blonde.

Chadron had a water tower, grain elevators, a tanning salon, a video rental store, a small liberal arts college, a Hardee's, a stoplight, and a curling yellow sign in the pet store window that read, 'Hamsters and Tarantulas Featured Today.'

When I was born, my dad was a scaffolder, and my mum worked in a chip shop. Then my mum taught herself how to be a hairdresser and ended up with her own salon; my dad became a postman and then a counter clerk. Our first house didn't have a bathroom.

The median startup is a business that's capitalized with about $25,000. The financing of that business comes from the entrepreneur's savings. The business is a retail or personal service business, a hair salon or a clothing store, that kind of thing.

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