Nature is saturated with Deity.

Living for football has saturated me.

I saturated myself with the improv community.

In a saturated population life is always cheap.

I'm a pretty aggressive person, and I'm very saturated.

The present is saturated with the past and pregnant with the future.

Listen: our culture is saturated with irony whether we know it or not.

Full, saturated colours have an emotional significance I want to avoid.

Words that are saturated with lies or atrocity, do not easily resume life.

I don't wear perfume, and I don't like the air to be too saturated with scents.

I think there's too much saturated color in comics, thanks to digital color techniques.

We sell only fresh fruit and vegetables. I sell no saturated fats or anything like that.

The Internet is a very powerful tool; unfortunately it's starting to get a little saturated.

Two forms of fat that are vitally important for brain health are cholesterol and saturated fat.

A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one.

The human mind is a dramatic structure in itself and our society is absolutely saturated with drama.

Flames from the lips may be produced by holding in the mouth a sponge saturated with the purest gasoline.

Every relationship can feel saturated by market logic or at best purchased at the price of the immiseration of others.

Words are most malignant, the most treacherous possession of mankind. They are saturated with the sorrows of all time.

Dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of obesity, heart disease or any other chronic disease of civilization.

A tempura batter has a lifespan of only moments before the flour becomes too saturated with water and a fresh batter must be made.

Everything's so, like, saturated nowadays. So if you wanna, like, make an impact, you gotta do something different. Do something new.

A modern fascination with the fantastic seems to come along every couple of generations, usually at a point when we're future saturated.

I think maybe we were just a little bit overdone. It was saturated. People may have gotten tired of us. We were everywhere, all the time.

The spaces I want to be in are nurturing and soft and saturated with color. Our cities don't have enough of that, and as humans we need it.

There is poison in the fang of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; but the wicked man is saturated with it.

I don't go around saturated in guilt or anything like that. I do worry about things quite a lot, but I don't feel as though I am a bad person.

These are the people who do studies that your carry-out Chinese meals are saturated in fat. I'd just like to meet them! I mean, what do they do for pleasure?

After giving countless hit songs, I felt saturated. I decided to do music only for my own films and music albums. And so, I decided to start my own music label.

Everybody's saturated with the marketing hype of next-generation consoles. They are wonderful, but the truth is that they are as powerful as a high end PC is right now.

Our generation is the most cinematically saturated of all time. Videotapes, DVD's, streaming... Spielberg... all of it has thrust us into an endless loop of consumption.

We try to buy as much American-made shirts as we can and stuff to sell. It's very difficult to cover every base as much as our country has been saturated with foreign products.

Hip-hop is so saturated with the same old same old that people always expect the guy to actually be the guy. They want you to be real and straight from the streets and all that.

I've always been in an environment saturated with Democrats, and because we aren't constantly challenged, we feel little urgency, we struggle to be enthusiastic and we can get lazy.

It could get saturated or monotonous if I would do the same characters again and again. That is why, to save myself from that feeling, I take time out to choose roles that excite me.

Saturated fat is a fundamental building block for brain cells. It's certainly interesting to consider that one of the richest sources of saturated fat in nature is human breast milk.

I guess now music is so saturated and so microwaved. It's, like, 15 minutes in the microwave and boom, you've got something. Nobody's putting passion or any thought behind it anymore.

What if I couldn't handle people's opinions of me? I know that shouldn't dictate a person's degree of peace or happiness in life, but the problem is, I chose a business saturated in judgment.

Plants can't very well defend themselves by their behavior, so they resort to chemical warfare, and plants are saturated with toxins and irritants to deter creatures like us who want to eat them.

The meat that I choose to feed my family, it's healthy meats such as lamb, which is very low in cholesterol and saturated fat. And then turkey - we eat a lot of turkey. We don't eat loads of beef.

If you are successful, then it is only human that you are sometimes a bit saturated. You might also lose that hunger which means that others who are more ambitious will knock you off your pedestal.

AERIN is saturated with the qualities that have surrounded me my entire life, many of which came from my grandmother, Estee: passion, style, hard work, family, and, of course, all things beautiful.

I never lost my interest in acting but I did lose my interest in the business and what I had to go through to make a film. I felt saturated, you know, like a sponge when it's saturated - it's not good.

I'm not an early adopter. I'll only start wearing new styles of clothing once they're practically out of date, and I won't move into a neighborhood until it's fully saturated with upscale coffee shops.

When I get saturated by commercial films, I'll probably do another film like 'Siskiyaan.' But yes, as a viewer, I really enjoy commercial cinema; so obviously, as an actor, I would love to be a part of one.

Our typical Western diet is full of inflammatory fats - saturated fats, trans fats, too many omega-6, inflammatory, processed vegetable oils like soy and corn oils. These increase IGF-1 and stimulate pimple follicles.

These days, you can watch many different sports; you are saturated with it 24 hours a day. And young boys all want to be footballers because you don't even need to be that good, and you can still earn £100,000 a week.

One of the reasons I like living in Bangkok is that, although it's a megacity, it's very saturated with nature - the vast and brooding skies, the sudden storms and rains, the vegetation and even the animals that abound.

I had never been to Texas. I'd been through Texas, but I'm so glad to be back in a place that's not L.A. or New York. To talk about Dallas, to talk about there being sweet tea on the catering table, it's rich and saturated in American-ness.

Every year, the average American eats as much as 33 pounds of cheese. That's up to 60,000 calories and 3,100 grams of saturated fat. So why do we eat so much cheese? Mainly it's because the government is in cahoots with the processed food industry.

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