I love going to Scotland.

I love coming back to Scotland.

Lord, give me Scotland or I die!

Scotland's voice has to be heard

The poetic side of me is Scottish.

Scotland is the Canada of England!

Scotland just isn't terribly Tory.

I went to drama school in Scotland.

Tory governments are bad for Scotland.

Gigs in Scotland are always so much fun.

I think Scotland has some great stories.

Stop the world, Scotland wants to get on.

Golf is a working man's sport in Scotland.

Scotland never voted for Margaret Thatcher.

I hate it when people romanticize Scotland.

Any sport that comes from Scotland is good!

All the cul-de-sacs are closed for Scotland.

Scotland is the best place in the whole world.

I'll always have a relationship with Scotland.

The main thing in a cup tie is to get through.

Peru score their third, and It's 3-1 to Scotland.

It was not so easy for me in Scotland in general.

I am from Scotland, and I am Christian, not Muslim.

I went to high school in the highlands of Scotland.

I absolutely love Scotland. I'm always happy there.

There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter.

Scotland consistently produces world-class writers.

The mud is cold when you're in the north of Scotland!

Scotland can't afford to take their minds off the gas

I did a couple of short films when I was in Scotland.

God help England if she had no Scots to think for her.

Scotland is a great country. It's integral to the U.K.

We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation.

Scotland small? Our multiform, infinite Scotland SMALL?

I'll be arguing for Scotland to vote to stay in the E.U.

I look upon Switzerland as an inferior sort of Scotland.

The thing I miss the most about Scotland is the football.

[About a tiresome colleague]: He could bore for Scotland.

I am wholeheartedly in favour of an independent Scotland.

Scotland have this habit of kicking themselves in the foot

Give me but one hour of Scotland, Let me see it ere I die.

The most important thing in a game like that is to win it.

Samuel Johnson Is Indignant:that Scotland has so few trees.

It's lovely being back in the west of Scotland, really nice.

We are Scotland's independence generation. And our time is now

I'm rediscovering Scotland; I'm falling in love with it again.

Souness critics must eat humble pie as he transforms Newcastle.

Scotland's a pretty place. I mean, as long as it ain't raining.

He's a normal, likable, straightforward boy. (on David Beckham)

Politics in Scotland is far too important to be taken seriously.

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