All change is in the screen.

The screen is a magic medium.

I love writing for the screen.

I don't kiss on screen. Period.

Most screen violence is tedious.

I do a lot of screen re-writing.

The light of the screen annoys me.

I'm known for setting good screens.

I like to direct for the big screen.

I never like seeing myself on screen.

If you are having fun on screen, it shows.

Designing Woman was written for the screen.

A close-up on screen can say all a song can.

There's a reason screens are only this thick.

God screens us evermore from premature ideas.

It is really awkward to see myself on screen.

Stills belong in the lobby, not on the screen.

I'm not afraid of portraying anything on-screen

I am sure 'Shakti' will set the screens on fire.

The future of reading is screens. Books are toast.

If your screen is wrong, your correctives are wrong

my wifes cooking is so bad the flys fix our screens

Growing old on screen is not for the faint of heart.

You can't spend your whole life in front of a screen.

[Fences] is just a great play to bring to the screen.

Chazz Palminteri is just the ultimate screen husband.

I find that screen kissing wears very thin very quickly.

No, actually I'm trying to stay away from the big screen.

I just try to set good screens and get my teammates open.

Fervid atheism is usually a screen for repressed religion.

I was mad at Screen Gems, but I'm not mad at them anymore.

I've learned to keep my work on the stage or on the screen.

Televisions are devices with screens that things appear on.

I've rarely seen video screens used well in a music concert.

The screen magnifies everything, even the way you are thinking.

Anything you see on the screen was at one point approved by me.

Stuff me in a tutu and let's screen experimental videos all day.

Phone screens are too small to properly appreciate YouTube videos.

Get the screens out of your room and surround yourself with books.

It's difficult to see yourself up on screen without being a critic.

The future of screens isn't about the iPad. It's much, much bigger.

I think you're much more approachable when you're on a small screen.

Document preparation systems will also require large screen displays.

I feel ghostly unreal until I become somebody else again on the screen.

One of the most visually beautiful movies you can see on the big screen.

For me, it was more a dramatic shift to go from the stage to the screen.

Probably 95 percent of the things that are written never get on the screen.

We are suffering from a glut of too many 3-D movies and not enough screens.

You see a woman on a screen and you reduce her to just a thing, a sex object.

Turn your head away from the screen, my friend. It will tell you nothing more.

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