Seattle is my home.

I really liked the Seattle movement.

I used to hate playing Seattle shows.

The bluest skies . . . are in Seattle.

Seattle is this curious liberal island.

Seattle has shaped me in a lot of ways.

Seattle is this curious liberal 'island.'

Seattle is home, that's first and foremost.

I came up in the punk rock scene of Seattle.

I went to Seattle U. Nice Jesuit school there.

I can't say anything I don't love about Seattle.

I travel a lot and rarely make it home to Seattle.

I spent the first 15 years of my career in Seattle.

I grew up in Seattle, where there isn't a lot of sun.

There was no support system in Seattle for musicians.

This is Seattle. We're supposed to have superior taste.

One of the first bands to break out of Seattle was Heart.

I grew up in Seattle, but I always knew I wanted to leave.

Whenever Elvin Jones comes to Seattle I try to go catch him.

And Seattle isn't really crazy anymore. It's a big dot-com city.

What's my favorite thing about Seattle? It's Ho Ho's Restaurant.

I do not see Windows Phones anywhere in the world except Seattle.

I love being able to help promote Seattle to travelers worldwide.

I have no interest at all in the success of the Seattle Mariners.

I am a diehard Seahawks fan because I'm born and raised in Seattle.

My father is a practicing criminal law attorney in the Seattle area.

The ruling ethos of Seattle is forlorn apology for our animal impulses.

Chris Cornell painted in song the darkness and beauty of life in Seattle.

In some cities, McDonald's rules, but Seattle is ruled by teriyaki joints.

I'm not from this Earth - I'm from Pluto. I moved to Seattle when I was 2.

When I was in Seattle, I listened to Carlos Guillen and other older players.

My mom was an actress in the local Seattle theater doing experimental plays.

Seattle was a rabid film town in the '70s and '80s because it rained so much.

It's still fun to come to games, and it's still fun to be in the Seattle crowd.

Of course Seattle loves soccer. You can see from the men's Seattle Sounders team.

I saw the Clash in '79 at the Paramount in Seattle, and it changed my whole life.

Of all the grunge bands to come out of Seattle, Alice in Chains were the greatest.

The goal has always been to stay in Seattle and continue to play for the Seahawks.

Seattle is a fantastic place to build a great technology-enabled consumer company.

I absolutely think the Seattle grunge sound was instrumental to my music education.

When I played in the NBA for 12 years, Seattle had some of the best fans in the NBA.

Unfortunately Seattle is my muse, for the better or worse of Seattle - I'm not sure.

I know a lot of people say New York is the basketball mecca, but to me, it's Seattle.

I'm a Mariners fan! I'm from Seattle, so I'm all about the Mariners and the Seahawks.

I was born in Everett; I went through grade school in Everett, high school in Seattle.

I never felt bad about being lumped in with other Seattle bands. I thought it was great.

The Seattle explosion was what saved rock from becoming too pompous! A great moment in music!

As far as the grunge thing, there are three bands from Seattle that I would call true grunge.

Music careerists from Seattle would typically move to the closest media center, which was L.A.

Tacoma is actually my hometown, but if you live within 40 minutes of Seattle, you say Seattle.

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