A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

One sees more and more people who are miserable and demented and you feel it would be both kind and wise to leave them a few pills.

A man of knowledge chooses a path with a heart and follows it and then he looks and rejoices and laughs and then he sees and knows.

One sees in Latin America, and also elsewhere, among many Catholics a certain schizophrenia between individual and public morality.

When you're climbing with someone who always sees the bright spot, even if there is no bright spot, that attitude is really helpful.

When you're poor, you are invisible. Every poor person will tell you nobody sees you. So being famous was me just wanting to be seen.

I would say that, between us, I tend to be a little bit more philosophically optimistic. Jonah, I think he sees things as more finite.

TiVo and other digital recording devices have confounded advertisers. The ad industry sees the technology as a threat to their product.

I have admired David Bromley's work for years. He possesses such a wild and vivid imagination and really sees the beauty in everything.

No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking.

I'm not the average person so when somebody sees me it's going to be bipolar: it's one or the other, you're going to love me or hate me.

Freewill means that the Universe never judges, never interferes with your own choices - and sees you as a being of equal creative power.

Every few thousand years some shepard inhales smoke from a burning bush and has a vision or eats moldy rye bread in a cave and sees God.

I internalise every role that I do and my creative process sees me immerse myself with the setting and the character that I have at hand.

On stage you can get away with a lot more in the sense of emotion and truthfulness. But the camera is the eye of God. It sees everything.

But Jimmy sees life as an opportunity and happiness as a choice. He's cheery in the morning. He wakes up happy. He gets the joke of life.

I don't think I'm the only person who sees a cataclysm coming, but I think I'm the only person saying it, and I think that scares people.

The Chinese government clearly sees Internet and mobile innovation as a major driver of its global economic competitiveness going forward.

A mad person isn't someone who sees what isn't there; he's someone who sees what is there but that others can't see. I really believe that.

I'm trying to do what I have never done - give the impression one has on entering a room: one sees everything and at the same time nothing.

Out on the hill under the helmet, nobody sees your face or hair, but then you take it off, and they do - that's the part I'm nervous about.

To me, it seems like both 'Brief Interviews' and 'The Office' deal with characters that see themselves differently than the world sees them.

I will reunite with Ananth Nag onscreen after a while for a cameo in Vijayalakshmi Singh's 'Yaanaa,' which sees her launching her daughters.

Minnie loves everyone, unconditionally. That's the way she sees the world, which is probably one of the reasons she is as popular as she is.

The industry sees animation as a genre rather than a medium. It has been pigeonholed into being just for kids' entertainment, and that's it.

There is a crisis on the Right. It sees the Jewish and democratic state as a democracy for the Jews. This is something I cannot countenance.

The shallow consider liberty a release from all law, from every constraint. The wise man sees in it, on the contrary, the potent Law of Laws.

Whether it be a televised match or even a live event match, in this day and age, the Internet is so accessible and everybody sees everything.

When a man gets his money in bad ways, when he sees the better course and takes the worse, then the devil's in his heart, and that fixes him.

Nobody sees themselves as being an evil person or doing something for a bad reason. There's always something that justifies it to themselves.

If one sees far, structural changes that come with temporary disruptions can be growth- and efficiency-augmenting in the medium to long term.

Everyone sees me as a defensive-minded guy, but both sides of the court are important. If you want to win, you have to be good on both sides.

I am always a little surprised when anyone sees anything I make, so being nominated for the Oscar is beyond amazing - what a tremendous honor.

I do believe that the coal industry sees the cultural shift toward cleaner energy and global warming solutions as a threat to their interests.

Nobody sees the obvious, nobody observes the ordinary. There are more miracles in a square yard of earth than in all the fables of the Church.

You street-dance in a club, you're performing. Whether anybody sees me is a whole other thing. But it doesn't matter, because it fills my void.

At one point, people thought that Eddie Murphy would only reach one sector of the audience, but now everyone sees everything Eddie Murphy does.

In the south, whether it is a small film or a big film, everybody sees it. So, there is always something for everybody to come, see, and enjoy.

If you have what you want to say inside, and if you are crying for something that is true inside, it doesn't matter. The camera always sees it.

Unhappiness in a child accumulates because he sees no end to the dark tunnel. The thirteen weeks of a term might just as well be thirteen years.

When things go well, the quarterback is the one who sees all the attention. When things go wrong, they are the ones who get criticized the most.

When a man sees you are happy with him but you can be just as happy having nothing to do with him, that's when he won't want to leave your side.

Anytime you give a trans person an opportunity, especially an opportunity to be ourselves, you are promoting a shift in the way society sees us.

Washington sees the various local and national conflicts in the Middle East as part of a battle for regional hegemony between the U.S. and Iran.

Part of me sees myself as talented, and the other part sees me as strange. Ideas get stuck in your head and nothing changes them. Not even fame.

Uber sees ride-sharing as a winner-takes-all war and subsequently is willing to offer below-market prices in a bid to crowd out the competition.

There are so many different camps about what being gay means. The danger comes when each one is so rigid that it sees itself as the true picture.

It requires a lot of courage for someone to cast me in something else. I am just hoping that someone sees something else in me other than comedy.

He who receives a great many letters demanding answer, sees himself as if engaged in a hopeless struggle of one man against the rest of the world.

When it comes to jobs, jobs are just like products in the sense that the free market operates and sees that somebody gets paid what they're worth.

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