I have selective hearing.

Composition is selective improvisation.

I've always been selective about my roles.

When I am offered work, I am very selective.

I am selective about what I give my time to.

The selective memory isn't selective enough.

I am very selective when it comes to scripts.

I don't work that much because I am selective.

I am consciously selective of the work that I do.

I am open to doing TV but it will be very selective.

I've been very selective in what I did and didn't do.

I'm an oversharer but selective about who I share with.

AIDS is a shared truth - it's not selective in its wrath.

Selective amnesia is a good thing to have. So is good focus.

It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.

Isn't it fortunate how selective our recollections usually are.

The unconscious is selective, when it learns what to listen for.

Admission to the National Academy is highly competitive and selective.

People believe I am selective. I am not. Directors pick me, not I them.

Cancer is real-time evolution, and your body is the selective pressure.

Drag isn't a selective club. It's something everyone can be welcomed to.

I will never apologize for selective editing to make myself look better.

I'm very closed off when it comes to working with people, I'm very selective.

memory is so selective; wishful thinking presses it into service all the time.

I'm very selective about my scripts and about how I am projected on the screen.

Most national holidays in most countries rest on selective memories of the past.

I have really good managers and agents who are very selective in what they send me.

I am selective. If I do splash out, it's an investment, and I wear things for years.

I'm very selective about television because you sign away so much of your life to it.

I would prefer to write about everything; what else is there? But one must be selective.

Power is domination, control, and therefore a very selective form of truth which is a lie.

It's better to be a star on TV and do selective work, rather than act in some stupid film.

I watch very selective television. I watch 'Mad Men,' and I usually watch a season at a time.

We are being super selective on who we bring in and really just trying to hire the very best.

Not everyone can be trusted. I think we all have to be very selective about the people we trust.

When we are selective about doing business only with those who believe in our WHY, trust emerges.

I try to keep the happy memories. If that's what you call selective memories, I'm good with that.

The only fundamental and possible socialism is the socialisation of the selective breeding of man.

There are times I turn off my Wi-Fi, and I'm selective about what I want to share with the world now.

When the shot is afterwards subjected to white light, colour appears because of selective reflection.

The directors are selective in their choice of actors and sometimes, those choices smack of arrogance.

Selective memory is surely one of nature's most effective ways of ensuring the survival of our species.

To a certain degree, I think both self-narrativizing and selective memory are essential survival skills.

I'm being more selective about what I do, but really, it's just, if I love it, I'ma do it. It's that simple.

I'm a selective pack rat. There's some things I have no problem getting rid of and others I hold onto dearly.

I think it remains a film-by-film process, and since I am relatively selective and slow, it can take a while.

Even though these days I'm very selective about what roles I want to do, I will do Stargate anytime they call.

No government can give a selective advantage to a specific company, because that would make competition unfair.

Eating among the French certainly affected me. After a few years here, I gave up most of my selective food habits.

I am kind of being a little selective in what I do, so it takes a little bit longer, but it's worth it in the end.

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