I like women who are self-sufficient.

Science is a self-sufficient activity.

I am a complete, mature, self-sufficient being.

I want my girls to be strong and self-sufficient.

Some men are much more self-sufficient than others.

Find a nice, self sufficient hilltop, and fortify it.

I'm very involved with learning to be self-sufficient.

I was always self-sufficient even when I was with Def Jam.

I'm calculating, self-sufficient, reserved, and I enjoy being alone.

I'm a very self-sufficient person, much like a lot of people I work with.

My 20s were gone, my 30s were recovery, my 40s is where I am self-sufficient.

Perhaps the greatest self-deceit is to tell ourselves that we can be self-sufficient.

The picture is a self-sufficient work of art. It is not connected to anything outside.

By 17, I was modeling and had bought myself a flat. I've always tried to be self-sufficient.

I have fruit trees. Cows for fresh milk, yoghurt. My own wheat. I'm basically self-sufficient.

We have shown that solar-electrified villages can be technically and financially self-sufficient.

After my father died, we faced hardship but never asked anybody for help. We were self-sufficient.

Americans are generally very self-sufficient and I think generally averse to pretension, just as I am.

I've always been pretty self-sufficient. I never had to borrow money from my mum, even in the early days.

I joined the army because I was a very self-sufficient young man. I always wanted to stand on my own two feet.

Understanding money is part of being independent. You can't be self-sufficient if you're relying on someone else.

Over the years, with hunting, I think what's become my favorite part of hunting is how self-sufficient I'm becoming.

My relationship with money is that it's a tool to be self-sufficient, but it's not something that is a part of who I am.

I dunno whether it was to do with my parents - we were working-class - but it was important to me to be self-sufficient.

I want my pictures to be things. I want them to be made up of marks that are physically and individually self-sufficient.

I'm self-sufficient, but it's brilliant to have people in your life that you love, who love you and are important to you.

We must protect our limited resources for those who are truly in need and who are doing all they can to be self-sufficient.

Ours was a loving, nurturing household, but, at the same time, my parents' goal was to make all their children self-sufficient.

I'm actually quite self-sufficient, so it might look as if there isn't room for anyone in my life. That isn't entirely the case.

My plan growing up was to leave home and try not to panic. I always knew that to strive to be self-sufficient was an important ambition.

I am not afraid of much. I kill all the spiders in my house, and I'm planning to go skydiving. I am into girl power, and I'm very self-sufficient.

The old model for India was to be self-sufficient. It was the ideal India became independent with, that you spin your own thread, make your own clothes.

One thing I'd tell an up-and-coming singer is to never rely on other people for anything. The more self-sufficient you can be, the better off you'll be.

The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only.

It is precisely because neither individuals nor small groups can be fully self-sufficient that cooperation is necessary to human survival and flourishing.

Universal education is not only a moral imperative but an economic necessity, to pave the way toward making many more nations self-sufficient and self-sustaining.

I went from being married to living on my own in L.A., to having a new boyfriend and just being totally self-sufficient and super independent. It's awesome. I love it!

I'm a farmer now, and it's fantastic. My goal is to be totally self-sufficient and grow everything that I eat. There's something about earning your dinner that's cool.

Success made me self-sufficient, but it also took away my anonymity. I'm just this quiet nobody, and all of a sudden people are nervous around me. That was kind of weird.

I remember thinking that the rest of my life would be solo. I wasn't weepy when I thought that - it was just a realization that I had gone this long being self-sufficient.

I think 'astroturfing' goes against the conservative creed because it violates the desire we share to be self-sufficient, and this is understandable, something with which I agree.

We all like to believe we are completely self-sufficient, but at the end of it all, we're all searching for a human connection, something to make it all feel a bit more worthwhile.

My feminist training was that this was your goal, to be a self-sufficient woman, but that is a miscalculation. It's just not the way we work. We work in dialogue with the community.

My dad came from quite a poor background, so we were made to understand the value of money from an early age, and because of that, I always wanted to be self-sufficient and earn my own money.

As far as the Russians were concerned, I felt the reverse; they had adequate gold, if they wanted to buy, and they weren't dependent upon international trade. I felt they were more self-sufficient.

I learned a lot from more experienced mountaineers, such as Peter Habeler, but by the time I was about 21 I reckoned I had learned all that I needed to make me technically self-sufficient anywhere.

I wanted a challenge, wanted to be self-sufficient, so I thought, 'Go and join the army,' at a young age, and I just happened to be good at what I done and went up the ladder and went up to the top.

I've tried to be more self-sufficient as I've gotten older. I'd like to not worry about whether they're going to sell my next album or book. Hell, William Blake wasn't even published in his lifetime.

In the final analysis, a drawing simply is no longer a drawing, no matter how self-sufficient its execution may be. It is a symbol, and the more profoundly the imaginary lines of projection meet higher dimensions, the better.

We are a family that lives probably 90 percent on wild game. We're certainly working our way toward 100 percent self-sufficient. Looking to raise chickens for eggs, things of that nature, start a garden. We enjoy the simple life.

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