I self-taught myself music at 19-20.

You know, I grew up very self-taught.

Many people who excel are self-taught.

I am a self-taught water skier and wind surfer.

I got my first guitar in October of 1968. I'm self-taught.

Over the years my mom has become a self-taught Biblical scholar.

A self-taught man usually has a poor teacher and a worse student.

I'm a self-taught guitarist, but I have a classical music background.

I'm entirely self-taught, which I think is both a blessing and a curse.

Computer programming has always been a self-taught, maverick occupation.

I got my style. I got my own way of playing. I'm a musician. I'm self-taught.

I actually went to film school, but I didn't like it. I'm basically self-taught.

Almost everything I've been paid to do was something that was largely self-taught.

I play by ear - I'm self-taught. And so everything I do is through that technique.

I'm a self-taught musician aside from what I've been able to pick up from other players.

My mother is an escaped farm girl from North Dakota and a self-taught artist and painter.

I had no training in research as such, and as a consequence, I am, in a sense, self-taught.

My great-grandfather was a self-taught man, and his library was extraordinary. I read the lot.

I am a self-taught guitarist. I just try to piece together passages that have some melodic value!

I wanted a guitar when I was 4 or 5, and I learned how to play guitar by the time I was 6. Just self-taught.

I'm all self-taught. I never had a teacher. Even for English, and French, and German, I hardly went to school.

Are any of us self-taught? It just means I didn't go to school for it. But you do have teachers. You have mentors.

I'm self-taught, and fake eyelashes definitely took the longest to master. I glued my eyes shut at least 15 times.

I'm self-taught and emailed photographers I knew if I had questions I couldn't figure out from the manual or online.

I was mostly self-taught on guitar and that had its benefits. It's a great thing to work through problems on your own.

I'm pretty much a self-taught player. My swing hasn't changed a whole lot, I don't think. But I watch a lot of people.

I studied computer science and graphic design, yeah, so music was self-taught and a backburner thing, an obsessive hobby.

I'm a self-taught actor, which means that I had to learn everything on my own, as I wanted to know the craft deeper and deeper.

I had no real respect for good technique because I didn't know what it was. I was self-taught, so that stuff didn't matter to me.

My brother Carl taught me how to play bass. I'm a self-taught keyboard player, though - I figured out our harmonies at the piano.

There are many actors who have not been trained, but self-taught means one cannot be limited. It means you're continuously learning.

I'm a self-taught landscape gardener; it's a real passion of mine. It's what I do in my spare time because trees don't ask questions!

I've written since I was 10 years old, so I guess I'm self-taught. I've had some luck along the way, I must admit, and I've worked hard.

I started out making personal pieces, and realized that I actually like designing. I am self-taught, so I had a lot to learn technically.

Well, I didn't go to Julliard or anything. I'm basically self-taught. When I was younger, I wrote folk songs on a guitar my father gave me.

My mom is a self-taught home cook, so books that offer guidelines on how to organize menus are critical to 'cook from the book' people like her.

The brainy class is made up of individuals who think for themselves and beyond formal education are continuous learners who tend to be self-taught.

We're so tribal in Britain about music. But my music - my guitar playing, the rhythms, et cetera - just express my personality, because I'm self-taught.

I think the ability to focus is a thread that runs through so-called successful people. And that's something that can be developed. It can be self-taught.

I'm self-taught. Even today, on the sets, I probe the lightmen, the stunt artistes... they are from a period I've not seen; I can visualise it through them.

I was in a band in high school and college and I always had a love for music, but I didn't go to a conservatory or anything like that. I was fairly self-taught.

I started off with violin, then I started learning guitar, then I went to piano. But I self-taught piano just because I enjoyed it. I've always really enjoyed music.

I'm not a trained chef. I'm a self-taught cook, and I want people to be like, 'Yo, I could do that! Maybe I didn't think to or maybe it seemed harder than it really is.'

When you play with great musicians, whether they're schooled or self-taught, they keep you on your toes. It comes down to people's personalities and individual energies.

I've gone through a whole series of careers where something started as a hobby of some kind. Almost everything I've been paid to do was something that was largely self-taught.

Yes, I'm a reasonably good self-taught historian of the 1930s and '40s. I've never wanted to write about another time or place. I wouldn't know what to say about contemporary society.

I'm pretty much self-taught - I never went to any courses. If I want to learn about, say, the frontal lobe, I'll buy 40 books and absorb them in a couple of weeks. I'm a nerd like that.

I love color. When I paint, I use a lot of color. I love art that has a vibrancy of color and compositions. I adore the Impressionists, and I'm influenced strongly by them as a self-taught artist.

I would say I'm self-taught, but Corinne Day made me less conscious of myself. I was 15, and she'd make me take off my top, and I'd cry. After five years, you get used to it, and you're not self-conscious anymore.

I have a four-and-a-half-, nearly five-octave range. I probably should have had extra lessons as a child, as I am certain my family heard my potential, but I didn't. I was in the choir as a schoolgirl, but really, it is all self-taught.

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