I want to do sensible films.

I've got to be sensible sometimes.

Sometimes I wish I were less sensible.

Whoever's calm and sensible is insane!

Dickens was very practical and sensible.

No sensible person ever made an apology.

All sensible investing is value investing

I want to make sensible commercial films.

Few criminals die sensible of their crimes.

We have sensible fans and sensible policies.

I think Romney's foreign policy is sensible.

No sensible author wants anything but praise.

We don't do sensible things. This is America.

Creativity is not and never has been sensible.

... people miss a great deal by being sensible.

A sensible woman can never be happy with a fool.

We have to really appeal to that sensible center.

Love isn't sensible, Red. I think that's the point.

I go for a sensible dinner with the wife when I can.

Still, obviously, one can't be sensible all the time.

To have begun is half the job; be bold and be sensible.

I'm a really good hacker, but I'm not a sensible person.

Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the Infinite.

I'm a really good hacker, but I'm not a sensible person.

It is sensible to have a safeguard against unemployment.

I admire sensible, kind people. They're not often famous.

Will I be sensible and pay off the mortgage? Not a chance.

I have a sensible set of values that tell me to never lie.

I live a sensible life. You know, I don't take on too much.

I am an anarchist, like any other sensible person. ~ Merlyn

As you get to thirty, the main thing is to not be sensible.

The ridiculous is closer to life's source than the sensible.

It cannot be a vice in men to be sensible of their strength.

One is hardly sensible of fatigue while he marches to music.

To do exactly as your neighbors do is the only sensible rule.

There's trade, there's sensible trade, and there's dumb trade.

Creativity can flourish within sensible financial limitations.

All the States but our own are sensible that knowlege is power.

What a grand, higgledy-piggledy, sensible old place Norwich is!

I would consider myself conservative but sensible and pragmatic.

I try and strike a balance between being sensible and sensitive.

Only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions.

Vada Chennai' is a proper mainstream film, told in a sensible way.

I have an idea that all sensible people will ultimately be damned.

I think that a good mountaineer is usually a sensible mountaineer.

Only the gamefish swims upstream, But the sensible fish swims down.

Theatre's a much less faddish, more sensible world than TV or film.

I'm scared of everything. I think it's only sensible to be that way.

Be sensible of your wants, that you maybe sensible of your treasures.

We are not so sensible of the greatest Health as of the least Sickness.

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