I just like the word 'serendipity.'

Maybe the absence of signs is a sign.

Travel light and trust in serendipity.

...maximize the serendipity around you.

Serendipity always rewards the prepared.

It is the unforeseeable that creates the event.

I always leave room for serendipity and chance.

A lot of it just has to do with luck, serendipity.

Serendipity was my tour guide, assisted by caprice

There'll always be serendipity involved in discovery.

There is a fine line between serendipity and stalking.

The history of discovery is full of creative serendipity.

Each painting is fresh and new, a surprise even to myself.

The instant you know what the result will be, you are lost.

Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.

We have built a thousand temples to Fortune and not one to Reason

Innovation is serendipity, so you don't know what people will make.

What people call serendipity sometimes is just having your eyes open.

There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain.

If you use it intelligently, Twitter can be a form of engineered serendipity.

Most discoveries even today are a combination of serendipity and of searching.

We didn't believe in fate, but we believed in serendipity. We felt very lucky.

Synergy and serendipity often play a big part in medical and scientific advances.

There's some mysterious process at work here, which I don't even want to understand.

When I paint, mysterious things happen. What starts with a void ends with a dialogue.

With a library it is easier to hope for serendipity than to look for a precise answer.

Serendipity is looking in a haystack for a needle and discovering a farmer's daughter.

Fact is, inventing an innovative business model is often mostly a matter of serendipity.

I have never chosen my next job. I focus on what's in front of me, and serendipity steps in.

When you broadcast your book reading voluntarily, it creates moments of fascinating serendipity.

Sometimes life drops blessings in your lap without your lifting a finger. Serendipity, they call it.

You need messiness and magic, serendipity and insanity. Creativity comes from time off, and time out.

Surrender is a state of living in the flow, trusting what is, and being open to serendipity and surprises.

Some of the greatest things, as I understand, they have come about by serendipity, the greatest discoveries

Like all photographers, I depend on serendipity I pray for what might be referred to as the angel of chance.

Some of the greatest things, as I understand, they have come about by serendipity, the greatest discoveries.

Plan to the extent that feels right to you at a particular time in your life, but always be open to serendipity.

Any work that is born out of natural serendipity or reverts to simpler times is poignant for people - in any era.

What I look for is neither reality nor unreality but the subconscious, the instinctive mystery of the human race.

It's a bizarre but wonderful feeling, to arrive dead center of a target you didn't even know you were aiming for.

Hard work will get you a professorship or a BMW. You need both work and luck for a Booker, a Nobel or a private jet.

I had aspirations to do different things with my life. I wanted to play soccer. I wanted to be a lawyer. Serendipity.

One aspect of serendipity to bear in mind is that you have to be looking for something in order to find something else.

Serendipity is putting a quarter in the gumball machine and having three pieces come rattling out instead of one-all red.

For me, serendipity, coincidence and chance are more interesting than any preconceived construct of our human encounters.

Serendipity is when you find things you weren't looking for because finding what you are looking for is so damned difficult.

It is of great use to the sailor to know the length of his line, though he cannot with it fathom all the depths of the ocean.

There's always going to be the circumstances you can't plan for. There's always the unexpected relevance and the serendipity.

I've always loved life, and I've never known what's ahead. I love not knowing what might be round the corner. I love serendipity.

The process I go through in the art and the architecture, I actually want it to be almost childlike. Sometimes I think it's magical.

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