I'm try-sexual. I'll try anything once

I love watching reruns of 'Sex And The City.'

I love 'Sex and the City;' I think I've seen every episode.

The bagel budget for 'Sex and the City 2' could pay for 'Ghosted.'

'Sex and The City' had very strong gag orders as to what we could say and not say.

Yeah, 'Gossip Girl' is a good show. It's a real New York show, like 'Sex and the City.'

Sex and the City changed New York-New York's become a big shoe store now, unfortunately.

A lot of people who wrote for 'Sex and the City' have gone to write about marriage and motherhood.

I don't even know anyone who hasn't watched 'Sex and the City.' If you didn't, we can't be friends.

Being a part of 'Sex and the City' was like being at the center of the universe - it was extraordinary.

On 'Sex and The City', when Carrie talked about money problems, I would always think, 'Sell your shoes!'

It seems a lot of straight men need a word coach or a lawyer when it comes to discussing 'Sex and the City.'

At some point, they must do a 'Borgen' tour in Copenhagen. Like the 'Sex and the City' tour, but on bicycles.

I love 'Sex and the City,' but it's also wonderful that there's something else other than 'Sex and the City.'

'Sex and the City' didn't change the show because it was an international sensation. They kept it in New York.

A lot of guys I know loved 'Sex and the City.' They'll take it to their grave, but they watched every episode of it.

Ask me trivia on 'Sex and the City,' and I will know it. I rewatch it every year. Samantha? Charlotte? Those are my girls.

I grew up in D.C. but always had a love affair with New York. I did 'Central Park West,' 'Sex and the City,' 'Law & Order.'

Indeed, 'Sex and the City' highlighted the importance of female friendships, and showed the world that it was hip to be single.

I actually think 'Sex and the City' helped share how complicated it all is, to be a wife, a mother, and working, and a sexual being.

The '90s are really the 'Sex and the City' woman, and I think, right now, the new contemporary woman is the 'Lipstick Jungle' woman.

I think people have this sort of idea that 'Sex and the City' was this overnight sensation, and that can't be farther from the truth.

When I have trouble sleeping, I'll read, watch old episodes of 'Sex and the City,' or dance around my house. Music helps me wind down.

I do not resent Sarah Jessica Parker. We've been friends for decades. I just do not like what 'Sex and the City' did to my neighborhood.

'Sex and the City' is about outsiders. Single girls as lepers, should have been married by now. It's the reason the whole thing took off.

Whatever your opinion on it, 'Sex And The City' was undeniably a show that told stories where the main focus was on women and not on men.

Like 'Sex and the City' - if you're a New Yorker, you knew half the places they were going to. I want 'The Chi' to feel that way as well.

People would be surprised to know that I watch 'Sex and the City,' 'The L Word,' and 'Girls.' I like women; why wouldn't I like all those?

Flight attendants all over the world saw 'Sex and the City.' Doesn't matter what country you are in. The flight attendants know Jack Berger.

Sex and the City: The Movie' - a bit like the All Saints comeback, and the return of the Jammy Dodger, it feels a little staged and all wrong.

Working on 'Housewives' was very similar to 'Sex and the City.' Different cities, of course, but a high level of talent in the writing and acting on both!

All the weird inconveniences of adult life that you thought they made up to lend excitement and color to episodes of 'Sex and the City' are, in fact, real.

There's no reason to do 'ex and the City' if it's not going to be everything 'Sex and the City' is, which is vibrant emotions, comedy, drama... and also, style.

Something like 'Sex And The City' was insulting - women all clawing on to their youth when there's such ripe territory in honestly exploring women's lives as they get older.

I was a freelancer all through my twenties. I did about one story a month and I wanted to write fiction, so the stories that I would do were precursors to 'Sex and the City.'

We were so hungry for 'Sex and the City' that even though it was heightened and written by gay men, we just needed to see different women on television. Give us another movie.

The jokes I used to do on 'Sex and the City' were always comic character things, and they were rarely hard jokes. As soon as you go up in front of people, it demands laughter.

There are very few shows that show women talking like strong, sassy women. Do you know what I mean? 'Sex and the City' started doing that, and that was why that was such a huge hit.

Knowing that the 'Sex and the City' chicks now rack up almost two centuries between them, why do some of us fuss and hiss about a bit of retouching on their forthcoming film poster?

If I were to appear in a programme like 'Sex and the City,' I'm sure I'd be cast as the downtrodden one staying at home and having seven children while the others jet-setted around the world.

I think it's weird that they're trying to make us be negative about 'Sex and the City'... Not HBO, but the press. Really, they're dying for us to say something negative about 'Sex and the City.'

When I did 'Sex and the City,' it was like, 'Let's do a comedy where the humor is not coming from innuendo but from the a truthful place. This is a show where we're going to be able to say and do what we want.'

The joke that I make is that there are instances on the TV series that happen to me, - except on Sex and the City they always make it better or worse than real life and I am actually saying that in a joking way.

My very first scene on camera for anything was with Sarah Jessica Parker in the 'Sex and the City' movie, and she couldn't have been more lovely and beautiful and kind, and on top of that, she's just a killer actress.

Except for Carrie Bradshaw's in the opening credits of 'Sex and the City,' I don't know if the tutu has ever really been trendy, but I want to wear one. I want to dance around in it, and I want that to be socially acceptable.

As lightly toned by reality as the women on 'Sex and the City,' the bold, soigne characters on 'The L Word' suggest that L is also for limerence, that rapturous state of early love when the entire world is glowing and delectable.

It was described as Sex and the Suburbs. It's so not that. Because on Sex and the City, those women told each other everything; on our show, it's much more like the real suburbs - nobody tells anybody anything. Everything's a secret.

'Sex and The City' was made to correct the myth that if you were single at a certain age, you were a leper. Its four characters are heroes to a lot of women; they run around New York, or Gotham - but they have fancy shoes instead of capes.

I think 'Sex and the City' is a chapter that will never close. In a wonderful way, it's always going to be an open chapter because it seems like new generations discover the show and relate to it, which is amazing, and you can't hope for that.

When 'Sex and the City' aired its first season, people didn't know about HBO as a place for original series. People weren't saying, 'Oh I've got to watch 'Sex and the City'!' They found it later. In some ways, it helped change what people thought of HBO.

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