Nothing really shocks me anymore.

Today's shocks are tomorrow's conventions.

I am to provide the public with beneficial shocks.

Nothing scares me. Nothing actually shocks me anymore.

I work in show business - there's nothing that shocks me anymore!

I just wanted to be part of telling a good story that shocks people.

Not naming names, but it shocks me, some of the people who get the breaks.

When something actually shocks me, that's when you know it's a great topic.

The thing that shocks people... is that I mean what I say. I don't use hyperbole.

A truly great magazine cover surprises, even shocks, and connects in a nano-second.

Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be true.

My childhood was full of shocks and alarums, and I had to work a long time to make a life that pleases me.

We used to go around tipping outhouses over, or turning over corn shocks on Halloween. Anything to be mean.

One of the shocks of a 50th birthday is realizing the fundamental fact that your youth is irrevocably over.

Sputnik quickly became one of the three great shocks to hit America - historians say the equal of Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

What shocks me is people who have no expertise championing a view that runs counter to the mainstream scientific consensus.

I have been a practitioner of tough politics for many decades. There is little that amazes me and even less that shocks me.

Brexit is the other face of the refugee crisis - tensions that lead to stasis, external risks that lead to asymmetric shocks.

Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.

War triggers unforeseeable military dynamics and sets off massive political shocks, creating new problems as well as new opportunities.

I love Philip Glass' work, not only as a film composer but also as a musician. The film score work that he does always amazes and shocks me.

It really shocks me when I encounter people who think kindness doesn't matter. Because I think it's pretty much the only thing that matters.

We must recognize that Small Island Developing States are particularly vulnerable to climate change, natural disasters, and external shocks.

True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.

Nothing shocks me anymore. I've embraced men in thongs, I've embraced women with padded bras. I mean, I can embrace Larry King saying 'fierce.'

I never thought Cathy would get married in the comic strip. And I also thought I would never get married in real life. So both are shocks to me.

I oscillate between being cynical and being naive on a regular basis. I always think that not much shocks me until something much too obvious does.

The fallacy of the neoclassicals is their tenet that total employment, though hit by shocks, can be said always to be heading back to some normal level.

It doesn't matter the amount of gore, the amount of shocks that you can have in a movie if the movie's not entertaining, if the story's not entertaining.

In a world of global trade and integrated capital markets, it is natural for economic and financial shocks and policy actions to be transmitted across borders.

Vice, in its true light, is so deformed, that it shocks us at first sight; and would hardly ever seduce us, if it did not at first wear the mask of some virtue.

Monetary contractions are attractive as the key shocks in the 1929-1933 years, and in other severe depressions, because there do not seem to be any other candidates.

I don't think guys judge curvy women as much as women do. It shocks me how catty some women can be. In my whole life, I only had one guy break up with me over weight.

Cruelty to men and to the lower animals as well, which would have passed unnoticed a century ago, now shocks the sensibilities and is regarded as wicked and degrading.

A whole bunch of big technological shocks occurred when Asian innovations - paper, gunpowder, the stirrup, the moldboard plow and so on - came to Europe via the Silk Road.

We need a resilient, well-capitalized, well-regulated financial system that is strong enough to withstand even severe shocks and support economic growth by lending through the economic cycle.

What shocks me is that so many people leave care and become homeless, and when you're homeless you get into crime, prostitution and drugs, and it is a vicious circle. That's what we need to change.

What really shocks me, what I can honestly sit back and ponder for hours in a lot of cases is just, 'Why would you film yourself doing that? Who put you up to that? What are you getting out of that?'

By a series of violent shocks, the nations in succession have struggled to shake off the Past, to reverse the action of Time and the verdict of success, and to rescue the world from the reign of the dead.

While the move to central clearing has made the system safer, we need to make sure that the central counterparties have the resources and risk-management practices to withstand plausible but severe shocks.

I spend most of my life in sports kit, so it usually shocks people when they see me in casual clothing - let alone dressed up with make-up on. I've walked past people from my own family who don't recognise me.

I drank from colored water fountains and from the white water fountain just to see what it was like when I was a kid. What shocks me is that these kids today don't realize that this happened in many of our lifetimes.

Today, energy prices are at historic highs. Some analysts estimate that energy price shocks this year could cost American consumers more than $40 billion. Speaking very frankly, we cannot afford this kind of expense.

When you're doing Sebring in the back straight at 185 or 187, and the car's moving, you gotta know what to do with it, how to read it. Just the science of understanding shocks - forget spring rates - is mind-boggling.

It shocks me, the rumors people start: that I have the title because of my boyfriend. If that was the case, I would have gotten the title when I came back years ago and still had the title. He has nothing to do with it.

There is clear empirical evidence that the response of EME financial markets to different shocks, including changes in U.S. interest rates, depends importantly on the state of economic fundamentals in the EMEs themselves.

The growing tide of anti-Semitism shocks the conscious of everyone who values freedom, and the ugly, hateful acts particularly stain the character of democracies where liberty and religious freedom are supposed to be respected.

As a boy I used to go to the Chamber of Horrors at the annual fair, to look at the wax figures of Emperors and Kings, of heroes and murderers of the day. The dead now had that same unreality, which shocks without arousing pity.

A lot of people have been quite surprised with the stuff that I'm doing on my own, which shocks me because I've always known what I wanted to do. But people have only seen me with the Spice Girls, so I suppose it's not that surprising.

How on earth do people imagine we equip children for life if we never show them the sorts of issues other people encounter, if we never talk through with them how they might deal with difficulty or violence or unexpected shocks and surprises?

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