Show me an executive that works long hard hours and I'll show you a bad executive.

Show me a man who makes no mistakes, and I will show you a man who doesn't do things.

I feel fortunate as a woman to have a husband who loves me and shows me in every way.

If you show me who you are being influenced by I will show you what you are becoming.

Don't tell me you're going to be on the honor roll. Shut up! Go to work! And show me!

Well, you show me the science [that being gay is not a choice] and I'll be persuaded.

Show me where you spend your time, money and energy and I'll tell you what you worship.

I’m a much nicer person, much more laid-back and relaxed, not serious like they show me.

I'm not railing, 'This is inadequate' or 'This isn't right.' Just show me what will work.

You show me a perfect person and I'll show you somebody who has lived a very closed life.

Destroy my desires, eradicate my ideals, show me something better, and I will follow you.

I would advocate that you show me your smiling face, and how happy you can make your life.

Show me the condition of your Bible and I will accurately gauge the condition of your soul.

Show me someone who never gossips, and I'll show you someone who isn't interested in people.

I've never gotten up to see something one of my kids wanted to show me and not been rewarded.

I never want to be called a 'good loser.' Show me a good loser and I'll just show you a loser.

Who invented the human heart, I wonder? Tell me, and then show me the place where he was hanged.

If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. If you let me experience, I will learn!

Show me one Iranian diplomat we killed! I can show you many Saudi diplomats who were killed by Iran.

Ask yourself every couple of minutes, 'Can I go harder? Can I do more?' You've got so much power. Show me.

You show me something that doesn't cause cancer, and I'll show you something that isn't on the market yet.

You know when transformation happens? Right now. It’s a present activity. Who is the new you? Show me the new you.

You show me someone who can't understand people and I'll show you someone who has built up a false image of himself.

I showed people that it's not about guessing what people can do. It's about saying, 'Here, show me what you can do.'

Show me a woman with a subscription to a bridal magazine and I'll show you someone who doesn't even have a boyfriend.

When everything seems to be set to show me off as intelligent, the fool I always keep hidden takes over all that I say.

I've been praying to God to show me how to forgive myself. Because... maybe... that's the thing I've been searching for.

Reason shows me that if my happiness is desirable and good, the equal happiness of any other person must be equally desirable.

There is a proverb that says, ‘Talk so that I may know who you are.’ But I say, ‘Show me your eyes and I will know who you are.

Show me any top entertainer or top business executive, and I'll show you a guy who has mapped out his life from the very start.

You can't show me a sentence, word, or phoneme that is meaningless; by its nature, language is packed with meaning and emotion.

Show me a writer, any writer, who hasn't suffered and I'll show you someone who writes in pastels as opposed to primary colors.

Show me a person who has nothing to hide, and I'll show you a person who is either exceedingly dull - or a complete exhibitionist

I'm a nice guy to anyone I meet, until they show me they don't deserve niceness. I'll turn very quickly. But I'm pretty pleasant overall.

I always mistrust everything I see, which an image shows me, because I imagine what is beyond it. And what is beyond an image cannot be known.

Show me a sensible person who likes himself or herself! I know myself too well to like what I see. I know but too well that I'm not what I'd like to be.

Show me a man's closest companions and I can make a fairly accurate guess as to what sort of man he is, as well as what sort of man he is likely to become.

Our decisions aren’t just isolated choices. Our decisions point our lives in the directions we’re about to head. Show me a decision and I’ll show you a direction.

Nathanial can show me how to better control the change, but even so, you never have to worry about me turning into a cat again. Didn't you know, I'm allergic to cats.

And if there's anything movies can do in a way that I just love, and I love as an audience is, "Show me something I don't know about. Show me something I haven't seen."

People often say, "Riots aren't revolutions." That's true. The vast majority of riots never become revolutionary. On the other hand, show me the revolution that started without a riot.

There are people in government who don't want other people to know what they know. It's just another example of elitism. And I spit on elitism. Show me an elitist, and I'll show you a loser.

In no system which shows mental characteristics can any part have unilateral control over the whole. In other words, the mental characteristics of the system are imminent, not in some part, but in the system as a whole.

Let me show you how to drive me crazy,Let me show you how to make me feel so good,Let me show you how to take me to the edge of the stars and back again.You've gotta show me how to drive you crazy,You've gotta show me all the things you wanna happen to you,We've gotta tell each other everything, we always wanted someone to do.

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