Acting attracts shy people and show-offs.

I am shy. People misconstrue it as arrogance.

The fact of the matter is that most actors are shy people.

Writing is showbusiness for shy people. That's how I see it.

That's the poisoned chalice: when you're shy, people assume you're arrogant.

Well, Bill, I don't think you're going to find many shy people that are in the political business.

Lots of shy people dress a bit too much. It's just kind of an armour. People say the same thing about me.

I think a lot of singers are shy people. I suppose singing on stage is not like talking; you are not as exposed.

A lot of actors are relatively shy people, surprisingly, so acting is a way of not being shy - and being paid not to be shy.

I continue to be very shy. I think a lot of actors and performers are really weird, shy people working it out onstage. I don't know why that is.

Stage-persona notwithstanding, I'm extremely shy and quiet. Almost painfully shy. People misinterpret that as being above it all or not interested.

Swedes are a really humble and shy people in many ways, but I think it's pretty much the same as in the U.S. Little girls want to take photographs with me at lunch.

I have had strange animals as pets all my life. I was shy growing up, and shy people tend to interact better with animals than people. Animals are direct, not duplicitous.

I was very camera shy. People like hot girls, so I put my music to hot girls and it just became a trend. The whole 'enigmatic artist' thing, I just ran with it. No one could find pictures of me.

I was so shy, it almost paralyzed me in social settings. And as shy people know, that can become a vicious cycle: The more uncomfortable you feel around people, the more you retreat, and the more shy you get.

All of us introverts aspire to be more outgoing, but it's not in our nature. When I was nearly 50, I discovered that the best thing to do was to tell everyone I worked with that I'm just shy. People are not mind readers - you need to let them know.

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