They don't draft you to sit there and stand on the sideline.

Fashion was more of a sideline for me. I did it for the money.

I've always been a guy to keep positive energy on the sideline.

All I ever wanted to do was play the guitar; singing was a sideline.

I usually play toffs and soldiers, with a sideline in mass murderers.

I don't want to collect any paychecks as a cheerleader on the sideline.

I was on the sideline for the '85 Super Bowl, but I was going to college.

My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn't stand the sideline.

I just know when I'm on the sideline, I can't expect somebody to push me out of bounds.

You can't sideline players who can take a good helping for themselves in the Power Plays.

There is nothing harder for me than to sit at the sideline, not being able to be productive.

I know how it feels to sit on the sideline and watch a spot that is supposed to be yours taken.

Basically, I'm a musical vocalist, but I do voiceover stuff as a sideline, like plumbing or something.

We actually had a toilet on the sideline in college. We had like a little mini-toilet; we'd go and flush it.

I want the University of Florida to be successful. I'm always going to be a Gator, unless I'm on the other sideline.

I grew up in a football family, on the sideline. I was a waterboy. It was kinda something I was around my whole life.

Cinema was my passion and I am sure that if you are talented, nobody can sideline you because you are just a comedian.

In his time both on the field and on the sideline, Jack Pardee will forever be a part of the Washington Redskins' legacy.

I don't if I can handle not being on the sideline and being part of a team trying to win a football game on Friday nights.

I was always the sideline reporter or something similar to that - which is essentially, but this isn't always true, the 'woman's job.'

I obviously preferred the analyst role to the sideline role because your opportunity to impact the broadcast was drastically different.

I'm fortunate in having journalism as a sideline to pay the bills, and I essentially do it in order to take as long as I want with books.

Sideline reporting was a great way to be a part of the game and develop relationships, but it's no big secret that it's relatively limiting.

If I'm not on the court, I have to be there to cheer my teammates on and from the sideline be there mentally and keep guys locked in and focused.

My dad was a high school and college coach, and in my house my dad muted sideline reporters because he wasn't interested in what they had to say.

If you love this game, you always want to be out there, not in the sideline dressed in the street clothes. Especially when you know you can help the team.

As a quarterback, especially when I come off to the sideline, I am trying to get things corrected, trying to get things figured out and move on to the next series.

Thanks to fantasy football and 'Madden' on Xbox Live there are legions of jersey adorning sports fanatics who think they're equipped to stand on the sideline with a headset.

I can just remember games as a young player, counting my stats on the sideline. 'What am I now? I'm this many completions for this many attempts. I wonder what my rating is.'

I think when your parents die, it is kind of like a moving sidewalk: you're not just on the sideline and watching them go by. You know, you're going to the same place they are.

It might be okay for somebody else on the roster to sit on the sideline but it's not okay for me to be. I'm the franchise player, I'm the guy on both the microphone and in the ring.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I remember when your average NFL player would come to the sideline, spit out three bicuspids, Scotch-tape his humerus together and get back out there.

All I know is that when you look over at the coaches on the other sideline, and all you see are guys who either coached with you or played for you, then you know it's time to get out.

A little more movement of the defensive side of the ball, some rules that will be unnoticed, but a big rule will be allowing the jack linebacker to move out of the box sideline to sideline.

I understand that at times coaches get heated, and there are things they don't really want to talk about. As a sideline reporter, you're in the line of fire, and I just got lit up once. And that's fine.

Just to be on the sideline and to hear all the veterans tell you, 'Man, when your turn comes, when they call your number, just play.' Just the support and love from everybody is more than I can ask for.

I was on the sideline with a knee injury and when I came back, I wanted to play at the best level I could. And that's the case for a lot of players, they want the chance to play against the best competition.

When I'm out there, you just have to react. That's why you work on those throws. When you're in the moment, you can't think to yourself, 'How do I get this to go 47 yards and be 2 yards inside the sideline?'

I'll never forget the 2019 edition of International Fight Week for a couple of reasons: Not only did I experience my first earthquake, but I also got to work as a sideline reporter for three NBA Summer League games.

A couple jobs that I would love to do are hosting a television show, sideline reporting for the NBA or NFL, on-camera hosting for an entertainment network, event planning for a PR company or resort and, of course, WWE Diva!

I didn't ever intend to or want to be an actor. I'm not one of those people of whom they say, 'If you can't live without it, that's the only reason you should be an actor.' It was kind of a sideline that became my whole life.

I was always interested in French poetry sort of as a sideline to my own work, I was translating contemporary French poets. That kind of spilled out into translation as a way to earn money, pay for food and put bread on the table.

Basketball's eras are defined by teams - Celtics, Lakers, Bulls - and baseball's epochs are defined by players - Ruth, Robinson, Mantle - but with football, it's the sideline strategists, the nutty professors and top coated Lears.

Extra thick skin is something every Bruce Arians' quarterback needs to have because the stuff he says to media is rated G compared to the stuff he says to your face on the sideline and after the game in the locker room and throughout the week.

We all started snowboarding in the beginning as a family just to be closer together, go on trips. It was our soccer, but instead of Dad yelling at me from the sideline he is there riding with me and hitting the jumps even before I am hitting them.

When I first started recording, I was told by all of the experts in the business that the kind of music that I was doing was never going to sell. That disco was the coming thing and it was going to take over and what I was interested in was a minor sideline.

You have to be able to recognize defenses on your own in pro football. You can't look to the sideline and read some board. You've got to recognize the defense on your own, and then you've got to communicate to your offensive teammates what you want them to do.

We need the quarterbacks. It's a passing league and a quarterback-driven league. We need the Peyton Mannings in football uniforms out there playing - the Tom Bradys, the Drew Breeses, the Philip Riverses - we need those guys instead of them standing on the sideline.

I remember as a really young child, watching his energy on the sideline and watching him get excited, his body movement, the way he reacted. It's fun to hear other people tell stories about my dad and the things he did in games and the way he'd get upset with officials.

As a quarterback, when you do have a three-and-out or things do not go right, you are the first one to know. You know more than anyone out there what went wrong and what needs to be corrected and don't necessarily always need to hear it when you come off to the sideline.

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