A single word often betrays a great design.

His reply offers infinite solace in a single word. Always.

a single word even may be a spark of inextinguishable thought

One single word and I swear I’ll rip your tongue out. (Zephyra)

I cannot read a single word of the Hindoos without being elevated.

I guess every single word I've ever said is going to be dissected now.

I haven't read a single word that a critic has written about me since 1994.

The Eskimos live among ice all their lives but have no single word for ice.

Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge.

If I had to reduce 'Black Panther' to a single word, it would be 'glorious.'

No man can adequately reach and explain a single word of God with all his words

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.

There's no such thing as a teenager that listens to a single word their father says.

All the scholastic scaffolding falls, as a ruined edifice, before a single word: faith.

I can't tell you what I had for breakfast, but I can sing every single word of rock and roll.

Here is all I ask of a book- give me everything. Everything, and don't leave out a single word.

I didn't have any desire I might have had 10 years ago to shoot every single word that I wrote.

I start writing at 7.30 A.M. and write till noon. I've never written a single word after 5.00 P.M.

In the confusion we stay with each other, happy to be together, speaking without uttering a single word.

What drove me and kept me going over the decades? If I had to use a single word, it would be 'curiosity.'

The hack songwriter will write the absolute truth every single word, whether it makes a great song or not.

If only I was as eloquent as Demosthenes, I would have to do no more than repeat a single word three times.

Growing up in the '90s, I just loved 'Ice Ice Baby.' I knew, and still know, every single word to that song.

I spend eight months outlining and researching the novel before I begin to write a single word of the prose.

For Closer, we've had five weeks. You go into every single word because it's very, very concentrated dialogue.

My middle school years were defined by memorizing every single word off 'License to Ill' and 'Paul's Boutique.'

Words have a genealogy and it's easier to trace the evolution of a single word than the evolution of a language.

Nothing ever begins. There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any other story springs.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.

My life, the most truthful one, is unrecognizable, extremely interior, and there is no single word that gives it meaning.

I am tied down with single words. But you wander off; you slip away; you rise up higher, with words and words in phrases.

Never oversimplify yourself by using a single word or category to describe who you are. Take the time to tell your story.

Sannyas is only a declaration. The work is meditation. In one single word, my religion is complete, and that is meditation.

When the audience resonates with my music and sings every single word from the song, the high of performing live is unmatched.

That is the one single word that the food industry hates: 'addiction.' They much prefer words like 'crave-ability' and 'allure.'

In the Modern Age, there are still those who refuse to contradict a single word of the Bible, even though the Bible contradicts itself.

The good thing about being on a show like 'Justified' is that you stick to the premise, but not necessarily every single word that's on the page.

You're not going to find a more committed performer than Sandra Oh - to every single word, action, history that informs the future. Every little thing.

I'm a freelance writer, and I work alone at a big desk in the living room of my apartment. There are many days when I don't utter a single word to anyone but my husband.

From the very first, my countrymen have followed my literary career, now criticizing, now praising my work, but hardly ever letting a single word be buried in indifference.

I eventually realised you don't have to understand every single word, and that reading in your head doesn't have to be perfect. Once I took that pressure off, it gave me confidence.

Long ago, I realized that my only talent - aside from the rugged good looks, of course, and the strange power I hold over elderly women - can be reduced to a single word: doggedness.

Trivikram garu is my inspiration to learn Telugu. When I made my debut I didn't understand a single word, even when people around me would be talking. Trivikram garu used to translate for me.

Manual Lynn? Find out what that is. He wrote every single word in the play, and then everyone just rapped their parts. Imagine if like, Eminem wrote a play, that's what it sounded like to me.

Wagner's philosophy had absolutely nothing to do with Bruckner. Bruckner hadn't written a single word against Jews. Wagner's book on the Jews was one of the most infamous books of the 19th century.

It's really hard for me to memorize the medical jargon if I don't know the meaning of every single word. So I do have to do a little Wikipedia/YouTube research to figure out what I'm talking about.

It is Allah's word just as it is in the Koran. We are also not allowed to translate it. It is unimportant whether what it says is well received or not. We are not allowed to question even a single word.

When you're a litigator, you write so much, so many briefs, over and over again, that you're kind of really focused on one document and have draft after draft, and really pay attention to every single word.

I question every word; I write 'the' and immediately feel scorn. It's such an ordinary word - everybody uses it - why can't I come up with something original? In the sunlight, every single word seems hackneyed.

While I was writing 'Elizabeth Is Missing' and struggling with the intricacies of the plot, I told myself the next book would be really simple and linear, and I'd have it all worked out before I set down a single word.

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