All of my kids are into music. My older daughter plays guitar, piano, sings. My young son, he sings.

I do agree that when a singer sings all the songs for one actor in a film, the impact is much better.

You know, my sister sings, my brother plays drums in my band. My whole family is a bunch of musicians.

I saw 'Mahogany' and 'Lady Sings the Blues' when I was little and thought, 'That's what I want to do.'

It would be Beyonce Knowles, because we are around the same age and I think she sings very, very well.

I have a beautiful, young wife who sings and dances, so there's a lot of duetting going on at my house.

It's great when you play to an audience that knows the words to all your songs, and sings them back to you.

Just as the bird sings or the butterfly soars, because it is his natural characteristic, so the artist works.

I happen to be a guy who also plays the piano and sings, so people automatically associate me with Billy Joel.

When an actor sings a song, he will be able to bring forth the emotion in it much better than a playback singer.

An individual voice can be heard in a choir that otherwise sings in unison. This is something that is not excused.

I am a person who sings. I know not everyone is, but that won't keep the Spirit from putting a song in your heart.

No singer who sings for Rahman sir would ever say they were nervous to sing for him, especially during the session.

In Nigeria, if you say you're a singer, people say, 'So what? Everyone sings.' In Germany, my voice stood out more.

I danced with the London Festival at Covent Garden. I'm a ballerina by trade; I'm a ballerina who sings by the way.

The patron saint of outlining - the bespectacled siren who sings to me from his spotless rock - is P. G. Wodehouse.

Trust me, the person who sings his/her heart out, laughs loud and dances like no one is watching, is the beautiful one.

Everybody in my family sings. We were either in a choir, or there was something going on at home where we were singing.

One does not study for a goal. One sings because one can't help it! The 'goal' nine times out of ten is a mere accident.

There are two kinds of climbers: those who climb because their heart sings when they're in the mountains, and all the rest.

My favorite electric guitar would have to be my Duesenberg. I've named her 'Dolores,' and she sings like an operatic menace.

My dad sings, and my mom is the funniest person you'll ever meet. You put them together, and out comes the Feldstein children.

In groups, who sings this part or that part always turns into an issue. Eventually, you get the courage to go out on your own.

The compelled mother loves her child as the caged bird sings. The song does not justify the cage nor the love the enforcement.

It's such a strange marriage, a song and someone that sings it. When that works, it really works, and when it doesn't, it doesn't.

Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.

I can just be a Christian who sings mainstream music instead of having to be a Christian who has to somehow just sing Christian music.

When one sings, one does not speak about the problems of the every day. One speaks about the things which inspire us, which helped us.

That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, lest you should think he never could recapture the first fine careless rapture!

I don't think I'm that good a singer. I can't think of a song that I've written that I don't like the way somebody else sings it better.

Diane Cluck is part of the anti-folk movement in New York. She's got a really haunting voice, and she usually sings in the pentatonic scale.

My definition of country music is really pretty simple. It's when someone sings about their life and what they know, from an authentic place.

I don't want to be somebody who stands still and sings pretty. Each song is a world. Each song is a story. I don't achieve nearly what I want.

Whether I sound like Sammy or not is purely coincidence. You have got to hand it to him, he sings his ass off. There is no moss on that stone.

When we go and cheer Cynthia Erivo on in 'The Color Purple,' it's because we've elected her to be our voice. She sings 'I'm Here' for all of us.

It's always been my dream to look like Mariah Carey in my photos with a microphone. I don't know how she does it. When she sings, she looks perfect.

You rarely find someone who sings really well and who produces really well; it's a problem, and I just think it's a missing link in the music scene.

It is not necessary that the scion of a singing family, even if he sings, can excel in it. In order to reach his peak he has to work very, very hard.

I'm the only person in my entire extended family that plays an instrument or sings, really. Which is kind of weird. I don't know where I got it from.

Happy is the person who not only sings, but feels God's eye is on the sparrow, and knows He watches over me. To be simply ensconced in God is true joy.

As a soprano who sings 'Lucia di Lammermoor,' I have the high notes and the trills. No problems there. But going into the low registers is lots of work.

Mary J. Blige has made the most improvement, to me, and the depth of the spirit and the soul in her music, the way she sings, gives her that 'it' factor.

I question what emotion Manilow touches. People are entertained by him. But are they emotionally moved? I don't believe anything that Barry Manilow sings.

It was a time after 'Lady Sings the Blues' and 'Mahogany' and all those romantic movies: I became this romantic figure on the street in a very special way.

The Winans have been some of my favorite people, and Marvin certainly has a real anointing when he preaches and sings; he's a great interpreter of my music.

There are gay and lesbian people in all walks of life, in all different types of professions. I just happen to be a gay man who sings in a heavy metal band.

My family is involved and my wife Brenda is a great, great writer. She helps me with the writing of everything and also sings with me. I owe a lot to Brenda.

It is well within the order of things That man should listen when his mate sings; But the true male never yet walked Who liked to listen when his mate talked.

I had opera training for three years, and I have three albums out. I also did a Broadway show. I'm an actor that sings, so it is in my blood. It is in my system.

Some of my favorite films are musicals, like 'Walk the Line,' 'The Rose' and 'Lady Sings the Blues.' I just love the way the music and the story fuel each other.

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