In things a moderation keep; Kings ought to shear, not skin, their sheep.

Drink a bunch of water and get facials regularly. I take care of my skin.

I love skin care and actually wanted to be an esthetician for many years.

What works with your skin and eyes? Use that to zero in on your wardrobe.

I have olive skin, so if I'm in the sun for even 15 minutes, I turn brown.

these are the screams within these are the life streams bleeding from skin

If zipper catches skin, I'll know I had it out when I should a kept it in.

I have a kitten,the drollest of all creatures that ever wore a cat's skin.

Staph lives on skin. Thats the reason why many infections start as a boil.

Personally, I don't like watching violence. I'd much rather see more skin.

I love diving into different skins, skins that make me feel deep emotions.

The painter saw what was, an alternate Candor and secrecy inside the skin.

I think great acting is about inhabiting a skin and transforming yourself.

Screw poetry, it’s you I want, your taste, rain on you, mouth on your skin.

The authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen's skin.

Where the lion's skin will not reach, you must patch it out with the fox's.

To change skins, evolve into new cycles, I feel one has to learn to discard

It's not a feminizing product; it's designed to make your skin look better.

The earth is, like our own skin, fated to carry the scars of ancient wounds.

Break the skin of civilization and you find the ape, roaring and red-handed.

I want people to feel happy in their own skins and feel accepted by society.

We are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life.

Caffeine dehydrates the body and speeds up the aging of the skin and kidneys.

The skin of a python is no less precious to the snake than fur is to the fox.

Make it look like your skin is not so angry at you for your bad life choices.

Fashion is not about buying a second skin. Fashion is about having a fantasy.

It's good to have to put yourself in someone else's skin. It's all-consuming.

I couldn't see who swam in the darkness, who wore shadows like a second skin.

I directed an early episode of 'Supernatural' the first season called 'Skin.'

If you have beautiful knees, show your knees. I'm not a puritan. I love skin.

Every woman in public life needs to develop skin as tough as rhinoceros hide.

Stories teach us empathy. They reveal to us ourselves in the skins of others.

We are all Adam's children - it's just the skin that makes all the difference.

There's something magical about a woman who feels comfortable in her own skin.

Smooth white skin invites something that will leave a trace, a kiss or a slap.

People just need to be confident in their own skin and be proud of themselves.

My wish was to finish my career at Arsenal, but there are always banana skins.

It's a good thing that beauty is only skin deep, or I'd be rotten to the core.

As long as I don't end up hosting a skin care commercial with Cher, I'm happy.

The extraordinary is waiting quietly beneath the skin of all that is ordinary.

I do love my avocados, which are great for the skin. I eat pretty healthfully.

I enjoy using coconut oil - not only for my skin and hair, but I'll digest it.

I think I've evolved into someone pretty confident - in myself and in my skin.

Fox is notorious for having a very thick skin about taking shots at themselves.

The night is a skin pulled over the head of day that the day may be in torment.

Your skin starts itching once you buy that gimmick about something called love.

Live like a mud-fish: its skin is bright and shiny even though it lives in mud.

Oh heavy change. The world deteriorates like a rotting apple, worms and a skin.

There's nothing sexy about skin and bone. You gotta have some junk in the trunk.

I think what makes someone pretty amazing is being comfortable in your own skin.

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