I can't abide small talk.

I'm not great at small talk.

I'm not an ace at small talk.

small talk comes from small bones

I hate small talk! I can't do it.

Small talk is the biggest talk we do.

Don't like small talk, love rainy days.

Teas, Where small talk dies in agonies.

I have no small talk and Peel has no manners.

I'm not a good small talker. I'm not into small talk, frankly.

I'm not good at meeting people, and I'm not good at small talk.

I'm hopeless at small talk and have a problem making eye contact.

I'm not good at small talk. I'm really not. I'm not that great at any talk.

I am not good at small talk. I will hide in a cupboard to avoid chitty-chat.

I find small talk exhausting, and I don't like myself when I'm around people.

I am not a vivacious person in real. I hate smiling. I hate doing small talk.

It's hard to do a variety show. It's hard to do all that small talk and make it sound real.

Making small talk about what someone is wearing is just another form of unsolicited feedback.

Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk.

I meet people, and we can get past small talk pretty quickly if they've read my books. It's a great shortcut.

During the Samuel Johnson days they had big men enjoying small talk; today we have small men enjoying big talk.

I don't Twitter or blog. I'm bad at small talk, and don't have good 'chat'. Talk to me about publishing, and I can go on for hours.

When you have to do small talk, you know, 'Hello, how are you?' after that, I don't know what to do. I go, 'OK, then,' and walk away.

It's not that parents expect a lot from their kids, except, maybe 5-10 minutes of time in a day spent on something as simple as small talk.

My English is closer to the literary English, and I'm not very familiar with jokes in English or with, you know, with small talk in English.

American life is based on a reassurance that we like one another but won't violate one another's privacies. This makes it a land of small talk.

I'm not a fan of small talk but if you want to get into the big questions of life - your deepest regret, your greatest joy - then we're going to have a great chat.

My hair is very fine, so I use Tigi Bed Head Small Talk before I blow dry for volume, and I'm a firm believer in Tigi Rockaholic dry shampoo to keep volume throughout the day.

I hate having to do small talk. I'd rather talk about deep subjects. I'd rather talk about meditation, or the world, or the trees or animals, than small, inane, you know, banter.

That's all small talk is - a quick way to connect on a human level - which is why it is by no means as irrelevant as the people who are bad at it insist. In short, it's worth making the effort.

I haven't got the patience for small talk, although I once saw a woman standing on her own in the corner, and I realised it was Monica Lewinsky, and I had the nicest evening with her - she was charming.

Just because you can leap off a drum kit doing a scissors kick while hitting a chord, people expect you to be an extrovert socially. But I'm not always comfortable with the idea of small talk at a party.

In a way, we tried to make 'The Salvation' a contemporary film with contemporary emotions. At the same time, in the script, you get a feel that all the small talk is not a part of our universe. It's more precise talk.

In spite of being professionally gregarious, in my nonpaid hours I'm a bit of a hermit. After being around a crew of fifty people for twelve hours a day on a film set, I really like my alone time, and as always, I abhor small talk.

That part, that internal dialogue that has a lot of ups and downs and darks and lights and stuff - that, I think, is where music comes from. I think the face that you put on when you're talking to people and making small talk, I don't think that's where music comes from.

Maybe it was the home tutoring, or the late start to formal schooling, or an overly cautious and protective upbringing, but in any case, I never became a talkative person. As an adult, I am not always comfortable in social gatherings with small talk. I must have inherited my father's gentle nature.

Cyndi Lauper is really good at talking to you about normal things. It's strange to be in the presence of a big celebrity like that. You want to make these connections and say things related to being a fan. It's not as interesting for them. She's amazing at making small talk without it seeming small.

My father took me to see Hank Williams on December 14th, 1952. I was two years and four months of age. And I remember a little cool eddy of hair hitting my cheek, and I remember the smell of his hair oil, and I remember the mingling tonality of the small talk before the show started. Those are my memories.

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