Fear is a tyrant and a despot, more terrible than the rack, more potent than the snake.

Great,' I said. 'Visit exotic Australia. Get bitten by an exotic snake. Die exotically.

I'd like to know how to catch a girl. I've caught frogs, I've caught snakes, earthworms.

The crookedness of the serpent is still straight enough to slide through the snake hole.

I'm a snake oil salesman as much as anyone else, but I try to keep something for myself.

Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.

I always wanted to be a snake. Every time I saw a snake on TV. I'd always say 'Why not me?'

Do not trust the person of spite; though you have loved and tamed them, the snake will bite.

Have you ever studied a snake's face? - how optimistic they look. They have an eternal smile.

That is a trial I must face," Veka said. "No, that is a multiheaded snake thing, Jig snapped.

Instead of expending time to train yourself not to be afraid of snakes, avoid them altogether.

When most people get drunk, they see snakes. But, when snakes get drunk, they see Jake Roberts!

The snakes are always against the prohibition of the poisons; and the arms traders, of the arms!

Everybody has to play a side because if you play both sides you a snake if you not a peacemaker.

Self-love for ever creeps out, like a snake, to sting anything which happens to stumble upon it.

Say, "I can do everything ." "Even if poison of a snake is powerless if you can firmly deny it."

Like Indiana Jones, I don't like snakes - though that might lead some to ask why I'm in politics.

A snake came to my water trough On a hot, hot day, and I in pajamas for the heat, To drink there.

Moses and the crooked snake... that turned into a stuck, that was actually a disintegrator pistol.

To be aroused in the dark by five feet of cold, green snake gliding over one's face is unpleasant.

Our society doesn't want to help girls like that [in Black Snake Moan]. They just want to use them.

Not all the snakes are poisonous and not all the poisons are deadly! Keep this in mind when bitten.

I have a curious and apprehensive feeling as I watch JFK that he is sort of an Indian snake charmer.

There is a myth that is being perpetuated that I am afraid of snakes. And I am not afraid of snakes!

A person who looks different all the time frightens me. Only one animal changes its skin: the snake.

I'm one of those people who snake through the crowd, keep my head low. I'm not looking for attention.

I'm not a fearful person, I have no phobias of rats, snakes, spiders, nothing. I'm lucky in that sense.

We must enlist our own snake and strike like a cobra against their vitals with an attack on Washington.

This face is a dog's snout sniffing for garbage, snakes nest in that mouth, I hear the sibilant threat.

What do Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and a beer bottle have in common? They're both empty from the neck up!

We're doing Circle of Snakes, we open up with Skin Carver and we are throwing in Skull Forest later on.

A snake will always be a snake, even if you put a chain around its neck and try to make it walk upright.

Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.

Marrying means, to grasp blindfolded into a sack hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes.

i want to give up my bearings, slip out of who i am, shed everything, the way a snake discards old skin.

I don't share lots of the phobias that horror movies tap into. I don't mind spiders or snakes or darkness.

I'm not a big fan of spiders and snakes and worms and stuff like that, but they don't really creep me out.

Roger became a part of me, and when he went off the deep end and became a mad snake, I felt sorry for him.

The shamans are forever yacking about their snake oil miracles. I prefer the real McCoy, a pregnant woman.

When I first got the call for 'I'm A Celebrity,' I was like, 'Dude, it's snakes and bugs and things. Nah.'

I'm not about to go out and buy a snake for a pet. I mean, I may have faced a few fears but I'm not insane.

Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science, as strangled snakes beside that of Hercules

I'm very nervous of snakes. I think it's something about the movement. I'm not a huge fan of spiders either.

Today there's more fellowship among snakes than among mankind. Wild beasts spare those with similar markings.

Without my protectionm your journey is doomed before you begin.' Great! I thought. Even the snake is a critic!

Be able to recognize the dangerous snakes, spiders, insects, and plants that live in your area of the country.

I suffer snakes to be killed in the ashram when it is impossible to catch them and put them out of harm's way.

Paradise endangered: garden snakes and mice are appearing in the shadowy corners of Dutch Old Master paintings.

At the time of his death, John Kennedy had a national security establishment that was a writhing ball of snakes.

We got to stay awake for all these lizards and snakes; Some of them come as friends, some of them come as Jakes.

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