I love tube socks!

I'm a fan of Stance socks.

I don't wear socks with loafers!

I never wear white or black socks.

I sleep with my socks on sometimes.

I wear cheap shoes. I don't even wear socks.

Bad Boys II has knocked everyone's socks off.

Honey, have you ever seen a man knitting socks?

I'm obsessed with socks. I even wear them to bed!

I can't wait to get home and wash all those socks.

Literally, my job is I make socks. That's all I do.

I only wear red socks in the kitchen. They bring me luck.

I'm also a fan of ridiculously coloured and patterned socks.

Go to American Apparel; they have all of the colors of socks.

As an actor you pull your socks up and look for the next job.

I never wear matching socks. It's kind of a thing that I have!

I got my own merch company. I sell shirts, hats, hoodie, socks.

He may be president, but he still comes home and swipes my socks.

Trent Seven wouldn't have let me even go to a try-out wearing socks.

If I'm traveling, I'll pack socks in my bag - really cute furry ones.

I don't iron my underwear and socks, but I like things to be organised.

I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer.

I always steal a pair of socks on every photo shoot I do. It's my thing.

You choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color.

If I need something, even a pair of socks, my assistant has to get them for me.

You're not going to find a man whose socks don't get dirty or who doesn't snore.

In my day, the players used to work their socks off. It's all changed now, obviously.

I wear high water pants, always, so you can see my socks - I always wear white socks.

I'll tell you one thing you can't do: you can't put your shoes on, then your socks on.

I live a quiet daytime life. I walk everywhere. I lie down. I wash socks. I fry an egg.

Yes, sir. I'm a real Southern boy. I got a red neck, white socks, and Blue Ribbon beer.

The only thing I did is, I wore the same pair of socks in every decathlon I was ever in.

When I first started recording music, we would record in the closet with socks on the mic.

Edith Piaf knocked my socks off when I was 8, but I didn't know what she was singing about.

I fell for MUJI socks at their store in N.Y.C.'s JFK airport, and now I get them in bundles.

Fresh sneakers are important on a man. It's like a new pair of boxers or a new pair of socks.

I'm not doing contemporary songs unless something comes along that really knocks my socks off.

Of course ankle length socks are cheaper, but they don't cover the lower leg as hosiery should.

I wear only animal socks. I went to Koreatown and got a hundred packs of panda and money prints.

Politicians who wear little tennis socks with the balls at the back should not be taken seriously.

I wear the same socks after I wash them, and I like to eat the same meal the morning before a game.

Braveness, for me, is running into my basement with no socks on. There are huge spiders down there!

After my first day of competition I put on compression socks. They help me recover for the next day.

I'm kind of a neat freak. My place is really organized. My socks are even organized: colors and sizes.

I know there are five stages of grief, but my parents raised me to pull up my socks when times get tough.

When I filmed 'Live And Let Die' with Jane Seymour, I kept my socks on in bed, as it was such a cold set.

I did steal socks, but I got caught... don't shoplift, anyone - don't do it! You're just gonna get caught.

Socks and sandals together are absolutely fine, as long as your flares are wide enough to cover your feet.

Guys will take one pair of jeans, five T-shirts and three pair of socks and that'll get you by for 10 weeks.

I have no superstitions. I don't have to have a Sunday outfit. I don't have socks or underwear I have to wear.

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