We had to pull some strings to get off of Sony.

I took a strong stand to get away from Sony Records.

We will continue to renew and redefine Sony Pictures.

One day I was like, 'Mom, you wanna sign me at Sony?'

I am probably the oldest new artist Sony has ever signed.

I am very happy and honored to be part of the Sony ATV family.

I feel like Sony appreciates good music from a talented artist.

And I'm working with all these great people at Sony Publishing.

And I'm working with all these great people at Sony Publishing.

Sony is the only studio without broadcast relationships with the NFL.

I feel very lucky to get to fly the flag of RCA Records and Sony Music.

I was discovered on the Sony lot through an audition by Denzel Washington.

Sony's Walkman far predated the iPod. Nokia ruled smartphones before Apple.

Obviously I love Sony; I love PlayStation. I've been playing them my entire life.

Sony is looking at 'Descender' as a franchise of films rather than just one movie.

I got a record deal with Sony, and I really just put acting aside. But it's a love.

My dream was to work for one of the big electronics companies like Sony or Panasonic.

I'm the only one who was predicting the Nintendo Wii would beat Sony's PlayStation 3.

I was honored I was signed to Sony. But later I felt like they weren't the right team.

We'd been out touring for a couple of years before we signed with Sony and everything.

If Sony's not going to show 'The Interview,' that's it. No more North Korean movies for me.

The success of 'X-Men' paved the way, I have to presume, for Sony to make Sam Raimi's 'Spider-Man.'

There has never been any proper commitment to marketing these artists and their music. We are not Sony.

I lose my cell phone so much that I switch it every month or so, but Sony Ericsson is usually what I use.

I'm pretty disappointed in Sony Pictures' decision to pull 'The Interview' under pressure from North Korea.

Frankly, I was surprised at how generous the Japanese press has been to the idea of a foreigner running Sony.

One of the things I wish Sony would do is get behind 'Borderlands,' because I'd love to see a Vita version of the game.

North Korea threatened to attack if Sony Pictures released The Interview, forcing us all to pretend that we wanted to see it.

People always ask why I don't make independent movies. I do make independent movies - I just make them at Sony and Paramount.

'Angel Of Death' was a big problem. I remember getting a phone call after the album was done: Sony wasn't going to release it.

Whenever you went into any place where there was Michael Jackson footage at Sony, it was like going through Homeland Security.

It's such an amazing team working with both Marvel and Sony, and I have the support of just the very best technicians in the world.

I started making raps in 2014, recording stuff from my iPhone and putting them together in Sony Vegas, which is a video editing program.

When events like the Sony Hack or the news of the Russian hack of our election, we're not shocked by such events, but they are troubling.

We look at Sony as someone who's jumping into the space to help evangelize and build out VR. They're very centered around a console experience.

In the quest for perfect protection of Sony's intellectual property, the company threw the privacy and security of their customers under the bus.

In the U.S., Wikia has content sponsorships with top brands, including Blizzard Activision, Sony, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, ABC Television and others.

Even before my dad passed away, people tried to buy the Lakers. Sony tried in the 1980s. People have always wanted to buy the Lakers. They're not for sale.

I chose Sony Classics, not just because of their practical experience, not just because of their wisdom in marketing, but mainly because of their integrity.

It's so much easier to go to the Sony movie complex when you're disabled. You take a great elevator. You get your own little private viewing area. I love it.

I want to create something like Sony. Not in terms of manufacturing products but creating something that is innovative, makes money, improves peoples' lives.

When I was growing up there was a product made by Sony called the Sony Walkman - a rage, everyone had to have one. Well, you don't hear about the Walkman anymore.

When I was working at Sony, I used to live near the beach. I'd get up in the morning, walk my dog, go for a swim with dolphins, and in 25 minutes I would be at Sony.

If you watched companies such as Sony and Samsung grow, they focused first on features and then on industrial design, which made their products look and feel better.

We are meeting with Sony, and we have a couple of other labels that suddenly have interest and that's really great because none of them have actually heard our stuff.

The films Sony Pictures Classics has distributed throughout the years have been of great inspiration to me. I'm very excited to find such a great home for 'The Rider.'

I am intrigued enough to want to continue, and also to try and work with companies like Sony on modifying the cameras and making them more user-friendly and efficient.

We've been happy to be able to work with Sony and Microsoft to have the first game that honors everyone's purchases across iOS, Android, PC, Mac, and the console platforms.

When you have more people investing in VR games, whether it's us or Sony or someone else, that means a greater pool of VR developers out there who know how to make VR games.

The machinery of filmmaking is really slow and ponderous and I don't know how you're going to make it any faster with any of the systems, whether it's Red, Sony, or whatever.

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