I like soundtracks and I like film.

Music is the soundtrack to my life.

Music is the soundtrack of your life.

I have soundtracks for a lot of stuff.

Bullshit is truly the American soundtrack.

I wouldn't mind doing a soundtrack someday.

Popular music formed the soundtrack of my life.

I wanted to make the soundtrack of people's lives.

Without a soundtrack, human interaction is meaningless.

I never use soundtrack; it is always part of the story.

If Manliness had a soundtrack, the score would be metal.

Before me, music soundtracks were sort of afterthoughts.

Well lately I have listening to a lot of movie soundtracks.

Music is the soundtrack to the crappy movie that is my life.

Turn down the porn soundtrack! Trying to concentrate here!-Shane

I love horror movie soundtracks like 'It Follows' or 'Halloween.'

Music is the soundtrack to life. It plays the melody of our being.

Music is the soundtrack of our lives, it's essential for our lives.

Motion Picture Soundtrack on Kid A was another Coltrane inspiration.

Music is one of those things that becomes a soundtrack to our lives.

Music really becomes the soundtrack to the major events to your life.

Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have.

I was always a Pink Floyd fan, and I was always into movie soundtracks.

The soundtrack in the poetry is the soundtrack from your own heartbeat.

I like film soundtracks. I like the soundtracks better than the movies.

But, yes, now I wouldn't do some of those soundtracks the way I did them.

The first two projects I did out of my dorm room were mock film soundtracks.

I wish everyone could hear the soundtrack for my life that I hear in my head.

I got a Walkman, I had the 'Footloose' soundtrack and I danced to it constantly.

I'd love to do film and soundtracks, and you couldn't do much better than James Bond.

I feel like soundtrack music is almost like seeing the movie again, but with my ears.

Music from my iPod was setting my life to a dramatic soundtrack that only I could hear.

I keep my iPod on shuffle most of the time, but I'm most into Cirque du Soleil soundtracks.

There was a time - and I used to get made fun of a lot - that all I collected was soundtracks

There was a time - and I used to get made fun of a lot - that all I collected was soundtracks.

I've put a lot of records out and a lot of soundtracks, and 'Hannibal' is kind of a special one.

Soundtracks are made all the time that die horrible deaths - even soundtracks for popular movies.

Then I picked my book back up again and stroked her hair and read to the soundtrack of her breaths.

The spirit of America is all about defiance, and the best music like mine is the freedom soundtrack.

I love to listen to lots of different genres of music, but mostly movie soundtracks and music theater.

Our music over the years has been very cinematic. It's surprising we never really got into film soundtracks.

John Barry was the first film composer I was aware of. As a teenager I owned several of his Bond soundtracks.

One of the things I loved about the musical was that you listened to the soundtrack and it told you the story.

Music scores your life. You interact with it. It becomes the soundtrack to that one summer with that one girl.

Music is a soundtrack for your life. You hear some tune and you just get swept right back to that point in your life.

Everywhere you go, there's a soundtrack. You can't really quite hear it. It's just a little out of the range of hearing.

My parents had a lot of movie soundtracks that they brought back from the States. So very early on I heard film music at home.

I love making soundtracks for video games, because it is a completely different challenge, and I get to do something different.

I love soundtracks. I used to have three iPod classics: one with regular music, one with soundtracks, and one with demos on it.

I wanted to make an unashamed pop record. I became obsessed with Disney soundtracks from the '50s, so I decided to make my own.

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