Southern California and Las Vegas are my kind of places.

Southern California, where the American Dream came too true.

My dad grew up in southern California and was a raging liberal.

I grew up with fantastic Southern food. In Southern California.

I grew up in Southern California and always loved melodic pop music.

Southern California, they have been amazing. They're totally with us.

I grew up in southern California in the '80s. Yes, I am a walking cliche.

I'm a surfer. I grew up in Southern California and used to surf twice a day, every day.

I'm a California girl, and I'd love to restore a sense of place to Southern California.

I grew up in Southern California, Simi Valley. I've lived in the same house all my life.

Even though I grew up surfing and sailing in Southern California, I was born horse crazy.

I grew up in Southern California, so there is just a part of me that is a Hollywood rocker.

In 1996, I received a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Southern California.

I never saw a gun until I was 24. I didn't grow up in Mayberry; I grew up in Southern California.

I've enjoyed my time in the American League, the fans of Southern California and other friendships.

You could be a locavore in Florida or southern California. But I tried that. It was really limiting.

As one went to Europe to see the living past, so one must visit Southern California to observe the future.

All of the beach volleyball coaches and all the top players, everything is based out of Southern California.

Southern California is a nice place, if you could cut out the show-business cancer. It just keeps spreading.

I am presently in my thirteenth year of teaching a graduate course at the University of Southern California.

I'm from Southern California, so I feel much more comfortable with a golf club in my hand than I do a weapon.

I love how Hollywood still wants to perpetuate the myth that beaches in Southern California are warm at night.

On 'Justified', we're driving all around Southern California trying to find a location that we can call Kentucky.

As someone who has grown up living in Southern California, I know all too well about the costs and scarcities of water.

I was born in Southern California in a city called Norwalk. I grew up there until I moved up to New York when I was 18.

Reggae is definitely a natural influence. Even living in Southern California, near the water, you get that reggae feel.

I'd like to be able to use Storm's powers for good, like have it rain more in Southern California. We could do with it.

I was not a Southern California girl. I hated having my photograph taken. I felt shy and embarrassed around famous people.

I could probably go on for a long time about the differences between Northern California and Southern California Mexican food.

I kind of enjoy just hanging back and relaxing, sort of the San Diego, Southern California vibe, whatever you want to call it.

I am just so proud to be able to take my NAPA car, my NAPA Toyota, to the West Coast and race in front of the fans in Southern California.

One identity is as a television writer, which is very classically Southern California, but another of my personae is as a New Yorker cartoonist.

I've written a lot about southern California, but I don't use the same characters. Leave the people in the songs in the songs, is my philosophy.

I've always been drawn back to the South, whether it's Southern California or in Florida, where I grew up, and I wanted to write a song about that.

As a kid growing up in Southern California, I was a frequent visitor to the Disneyland and developed a deep love of the magic and wonder of Disney.

Probably the first time I was a boss was when I was associate dean of the graduate school at the University of Southern California. I was in my early 30s.

I grew up in Southern California. I played in rock bands out here, and I've been around pop music my whole life. I've been around all music my entire life.

I've always loved the Belmont Shore area because I've always thought it had a kind of European vibe to it. This to me is the best area in Southern California.

One of the first things a British visitor to Southern California discovers is that he must have a car. Freeways. Bad public transport. I took driving lessons.

I tried to swim as much as possible. Being in Southern California in the summer time, it's so nice because you have the warm beaches, so I try to swim every day.

Growing up in Southern California, it's all car culture. When I was a kid, I knew every single model of every single car dealer; I knew every style of every year.

I surf; I skateboard. I'm from Southern California. I never thought I was going to be an actor. And to be honest with you, I never really thought of myself as one.

I grew up on the beaches of Southern California surfing and sailing and I've always loved horses so it was part of my dream that I was able to fulfill to have horses.

History has been my primary intellectual passion ever since, as a boy in Southern California, I began reading books on World War II and the life of Winston Churchill.

The first two pictures I did, I played a young student in prep school. When I did Lifeguard, everyone was saying, You're so Southern California. It was a surprise to me.

If you're a kid in Southern California, somebody - whether it's you or your parents - somebody throws your hat into the ring and I think everyone had a commercial or two.

When I first came to Southern California I enrolled at UCLA in pre-med. My fathers a doctor. But the sight of blood turns me off, so I began doing television commercials.

The Southern California arena rock, hair metal, laidback hippie garden culture - for many growing up in the '70s and '80s, none of it made us who we were like Lou Reed did.

I have been driven by causes in almost every major endeavor in my life, beginning when I was a 16-year-old in Southern California where I wrote and published my own newspaper.

I speak as much Spanish as anyone who has grown up in Southern California or Texas or Arizona. I had my three years of high-school Spanish and a couple of semesters in college.

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